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89 Nitra and Rai Sister 4

At the viscount’s house, the banquet ended, and the negotiations that began in a peaceful mood turned out to be difficult, contrary to the expectations of the butler.

This is because the amount of magic stones that Amin presented for the magic tools requested by the Viscount was too high.

“Expensive. Queen, that’s too ripped!”

Amin made a troublesome face at the Viscount who was spitting and furious.

“Is it difficult to do less?”

When Yesman translated the Viscount’s words, Amin shook his head and opened his mouth heavily.

“I can make the magic tool you requested earlier, but you only need one medium-sized magic stone per day. It’s about 120 in one winter. As I said earlier, I can’t reduce it any more.”

Yesman made a sad face, but the Viscount didn’t give up.

“Why! I offered a revolutionary idea. Why are you ripping me off so much? Think about it. This is a joint development of ours. Dwarven technology to the top of our country. A chance to spread the word! There should be plenty of benefits for you as well.”

“Ideas, ideas…. Put a wind on a fire? That’s ridiculous. No one can do that.”

The Queen let out an exasperated word while looking at the magic tool that Ex had made.

I don’t know if those words were aimed at the stupid Viscount or the crazy elementary magic.

“That’s right. It can be said that it is an invention because no one does it. In fact, the cooling stick that I devised, which no one else has made, is highly rated by the princess. So, please make it cheaper. The goal is 150, and we promise to deliver at least 30 to the country.”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute”

Viscount-sama gave the usual determined look to Amin who was flustered.

“That’s right! I thought of a good idea. If you place a large order, you can pay the development cost, so it should be cheaper. Then, I will pay 120 magic stones for the first rental fee. However, I will rent from the second one. The cost is 1 magic stone. How about this?”

“Wait! I haven’t talked about the rental fee yet.”

With Yesman’s face as expected, Viscount-sama who doesn’t understand anything looks at Amin and Yesman alternately with a puzzled expression.

The Viscount gave up on Amin’s tight-lipped explanation and angrily approached Yesman.

“Yesman, tell me what’s going on”

“Yes. The magic stone you mentioned earlier is not a rental fee, but fuel?”

When asked, Amin opened his mouth mumblingly.

“Hmm. It’s hard to say, but… per piece. If you make 30 magic tools, it will be 3600 medium-sized magic stones.”

“That’s right, Viscount-sama”

“It’s all good, it looks like we’re finally talking to each other.”

“If you’re a flawed mage, you don’t need fuel at all!”

“That’s because Ex-sensei was out of the norm.”

The Viscount clings to him with an impatient expression.

“That’s right! Queen. Then why don’t you let the Queen make it extra? That’s good! Then you don’t need fuel costs and it’s a win-win.”

“I don’t like it. And if you mess with Ex-sensei, it’s war.”

“The road was cut off when I was flatly refused.”

The anger of having no way out attacked him violently, and the Viscount held his chest and dyed his face purple.

“Nunuuuuu. Fugu. Ku, it hurts. Even though I promised the princess.”

“Viscount-sama! Be sure to take care of yourself. Her Majesty Queen Amin, I’m sorry, but my master is unwell.”


“At that time, Ex.

“She was sleeping happily.”

A rocking bed.

I woke up to the screams of the girls frolicking with joy.

“It seems that I was asleep.”

“Oh my God.” I may have kept everyone in the army waiting… what should I do?

“Nyanyanya, stop. Rai-nee is tickling.”

“Nitra. Stay still.”

The tremors grew louder, and the sweet smell peculiar to young girls filled my lungs.

When I stretched out and managed to escape from a comfortable slumber, I caught sight of Nitra and Rai-nee who were sitting on the edge of my bed and playing.

“Help me, brother”

“Good morning, Master.”

“I rubbed my eyes.”

“I thought I might have misunderstood the two of them, but it seems they weren’t.”

Prompted by Nitra, who lowered her eyebrows and asked for help, I timidly asked the bully a question.

“Good morning. Um… Rai-nee. What are you doing?”

Maybe it’s because I’ve just woken up, but my head doesn’t turn.

“I’m raising it for my master”


…for me.

With a whiff, Sister Rai’s fingers sank comfortably into the firm mass of meat.

When I explained the situation, the straight-faced Rai was massaging Nitra’s chest, who was writhing as if tickled.

“Why?” Will it work for me?

yes. I just don’t understand what a child is thinking.

“At least do it yourself”

“That’s all I can say as an adult.”

However, it seems that it was a slip of the tongue, which made her look sad.

“Because I’m past my growing season.”

“No no no, there is!” Than Luca and master.

“Instinctively, I cleared my throat.”

“Because I don’t judge likes and dislikes by such things. Anyway, bullying Nitra is prohibited.”

“I believed you,” Nitra laughed happily.

“Besides, my first love is a perfect teacher.”

“Ah, now that I think about it, I forgot before I knew it, but I remembered why I came to this city.”

Sweet and sour memories came back to me when I ran away from home to become an adult who would be recognized by my master.

“And now, Luka likes it too.”

“I can’t really say it to myself, but maybe I like small breasts.”

So I?

But Rai-nee ignores the confused me and Nitra and doesn’t let go of her finger.

“Why?” My best slime pillow was swaying when I chased after Sister Rai’s suspicious gaze.

“Then why is Master rubbing that pillow?”


“It’s hollow.”

It seems that the culprit shaking the slime pillow is my unconscious hand. And it seems that Lai sister imitated it.

“We’re finally seeing the full picture of this incident!”

“Let’s solve the mystery.”

“My right hand that grabbed the slime pillow, move as you please!”

“Knead it hard.”

“Unya, I thought about you brother.”

“Proof completed!” My reasoning hit the spot, and in conjunction with my movements, Rai-nee toyed with Nitra.

“In other words, I’m the one to blame!”

I sincerely apologized to Nitra who was glaring at me with teary eyes.

“I’ll treat you to grilled skewers later.”

“It might be the lowest possible solution.”

“Anyway, you can’t do that. Rai-nee, release Nitra.”


Nitra, with her hair standing on end, dashed out of the room.

“I look at Rai-nee.”

“Apologize properly and make up.”


“You’re a good boy. I’ll apologize too, so let’s go eat skewers!”


“It’s the beginning of a new life.”


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