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Return of the EX-Class Genius Villain chapter 128



Why is the demon king sword in my hand that should belong to Kater?

[Martin! I miss you!]

The ego of the demon king sword still like a baby, the pan… … .

‘Pan, why are you here?’

The Demon King Sword trembled.

[I came with Kater!]

Of course it was.

Because Kater wouldn’t have entrusted this important sword to someone else. In the first place, the demon sword itself does not allow anyone to touch it unless it is me or Kater.

that devil… what was his name?

Yes, Phellus.

It’s not that he’s been guarding it for a long time without getting the Demon King’s Sword.

Well, it seems that thanks to that, he got attached to Kater faster than anyone else and is now being called the famous minister and contributor to the founding of Pangea… … .

[Didn’t you miss me?]

‘… I missed you.’

[Hehe, I like Martin!]

my father asked

“Isn’t that the sword you gave to Kater?”


Father pointed at the large army approaching from behind.

“Then they are not our enemies.”

“The reinforcements.”

Just in time, familiar faces from that side ran this way.

Leon and Cater.

Leon laughed and shouted.

“Lord! Lord! I’m so glad you’re all right!”

Krishnar is there, but Leon is not there, so I thought it was strange. But I thought I would bring reinforcements like this.

I wondered if my father had ordered me to bring Kater, so I glanced at it and it didn’t seem like that.

My father, too, couldn’t hide his surprise when he saw Leon.

“Leon, you said there was a place to go, so was that place Pangea?”

“Yes, the head of the household!”


It was also Leon’s solo act.


I welcomed them both.

“You worked hard, Leon. Thanks for coming here, Cater.”

“Of course it had to be done!”

[I didn’t come because of you.]

Then, Carter subtly bowed her head to her father.

He’s still dishonest, but it’s fun to see him reveal his heart to his father.

“Anyway, a lot came. Didn’t you bring all the villagers and beasts from Pangea?”

For some reason, the number of reinforcements seems to be greater than the demons running in front of me.

Of course, not all demonic things are visible now.

[Pangea is still unstable. Even more so without me. It was not possible to withdraw many troops. Fortunately, the other world helped.]

Somehow, I saw a lot of aliens, not demons or monsters.

They were the inhabitants of Pangea and the gated world.

“Well… You didn’t force it, did you?”

[I don’t do that.]

According to Carter, the timing of Leon’s arrival was exquisite.

Did Leon come in while we were having a summit meeting?

Cater, who heard Leon’s story there, immediately formed an army, and it is said that the representatives of each world who were there also hoped to join the reinforcements.

‘It works out well in many ways… … .’

What would have happened if I had come here alone as originally planned.

Karma may have been robbed before meeting the demon king, or it may not have reached the demon king at all.

Because there are so many of them here in the Demon Realm and they are terrifying.

But now, it’s as reassuring as drinking five bowls of soup.

“But how did you bring so many troops?”

The gate to here is in the Bering Sea, and the gate to Pangea is in Germany.

The distance between the two gates is considerable.

But it’s kind of strange that reinforcements caught up with us in just a few hours.

At that time, I was wearing a strange space suit… A green-skinned alien with one eye stood in front of me.

[I did.]

It is an alien race that I saw a few times while organizing Pangea.

[It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, Ma King. This is Kurukko.]

“… ah! I remember.”

To be honest… I do not know.

They all look the same.

“Nice to meet you. But what are you doing?”

[I made a gate connecting the two places.]

You made a gate?

“Is that possible?”

One thing I do remember for sure about that tribe of Kurukko… It means they couldn’t handle magic.

He was wearing a strange space suit to protect himself from Pangea’s demons.

That’s what Kurukko is wearing right now.

he replied.

[Although our species are not good at using their bodies, they are quite good at making magic tools.]

Is this character similar to the alien scientist Gehrig from ‘Martin’s World’?


“Is that gate still going?”

[You need to constantly recharge the magic stone.]

“okay. Thanks anyway. It has helped me a lot.”

[It was nothing… . At that time, if the previous demon king had not organized Pangea, we might have perished. I’m glad I could be of any help.]


He’s my favorite alien

Carter said while shaking his head.

[Looks like we’ll be there soon. I will prepare it.]

“Let Pelus prepare, and you have other work to do.”

[What is that?]

“Did you bring the crown?”

The boy took out the crown from his bosom.

[Of course.]

I passed the Demon King Sword to him. Because Kater, who is not a transcendentalist, cannot handle the crown without the demon sword.

‘If I had the Demon King’s sword, I’d be better at handling the crown than I am.’

As much as that, he has been steadily using the crown in Pangea.

“Let’s start with ‘domination’ first.”

[This is not Pangea. It won’t work very well.]

“Even if it works just a little bit, it’s worth a try.”

It is a war of great armies against great armies.

It’s the first time I’ve experienced a war of this scale.

If you can help in a war of this magnitude, you should try, even if it’s only a small amount.

[If that’s what you mean.]

Kater closed her eyes after saying something to Pellus, who was glancing at me from behind with her eyes shining brightly.

As Carter started preparing, I turned my head forward.

Soon, things from the demon realm will come within attack range.

I looked left and right.

Even though their eyes are looking forward, I can feel that what the superhumans of Roden are focusing on is my mouth.

I looked forward again and opened my mouth.


At my words, the Demon King Sword held by Cater vomits divine power. The power rode up Kater’s body like a snake and reached the crown in an instant.


As the former owner of the crown, the air waves that can be felt spread in all directions.

as fast as light.

By the time it contained all the demonic things approaching in front of it, Kater opened his mouth.


And a miracle happened.

* * *

Actually, I didn’t expect too much.

I thought it would be enough if I could confuse things in the demon world just a little bit.

But what were the results?

Those demon realms really stopped.

“… … .”

Cater’s voice was not very loud.

Even so, the fact that they stopped means that they didn’t stop after hearing Kater’s voice.

‘The crown’s ‘domination’ worked.’

How could this be?

Could it be that the demonic world stopped for some other reason, and at that timing, Kater uttered ‘domination’?

I quickly raised my hand to an effect I hadn’t even thought of. So that there are no superhumans attacking the enemy by any chance.

In the current situation, there is no reason to break the ‘domination’ by attacking.

But that was just then.

A demon set foot in this direction.

‘How does that guy move?’

Doubts quickly disappeared.

Looking at the demons approaching, I could naturally understand the reason.

‘It’s strong… … .’

The power you can feel at first glance is so great that it feels natural that Kater’s ‘domination’ doesn’t work.

Those demons looked completely different from the demons we had dealt with so far.


Kater pointed at the demons with his sword and once again released ‘domination’.


A demon who flinched for a moment. However, he soon returned to his normal state. Then it stopped when it came to a place about 10m away from us.

[Hmm… … .]

The demons look around us.

Even with this huge army and powerful superhumans right in front of him, he wasn’t nervous at all.

He was looking at us with rather curious eyes.

[What a strange combination. Who is the representative?]

There is no such thing.

But if I had to choose one person, would it be me?

But I couldn’t get out.

Because I have to hide myself tightly until I meet the Demon King.

In the end, my father stepped in this time too.

“It’s me.”

After looking at his father for a while, the demon raised one lip.

[Humans have always been like that. The strongest one is just used as a sword and then discarded. Isn’t it?]

His eyes were looking straight at Yeomma out of hundreds of superhumans.

He recognized at a glance that Yeomma was the strongest among us.

‘thank god.’

If I use karma, I’ll be able to show a stronger appearance than yeomma, even temporarily.

However, in a state where I don’t use karma, I’m not even close to a swordsman, let alone an envy.

Because of that, I was not under the guard of the demons.

Just when I was relieved, Kater stepped out.

[Who are you?]

The demon looked at Kater with a frown for a while before opening his mouth.

[This is truly amazing. How could this be?]

[You asked who? Please answer me.]

The demon seemed unwilling to answer.

Rather, he asked Carter.

[You bastard… Where did you get that body?]


The current Kater is in a state where the body and soul are perfectly connected, unlike the early days when she acquired a body.

However, that demon saw through the fact that Kater’s body was not originally his.

It’s been decided at all.

‘How can you be so sure?’

When Kater also kept his mouth shut, probably embarrassed, he smiled broadly.

[Anyway, it’s fine. Finally today, the Demon King will get his arm back.]

Kater asked with his eyes wide open.

[…] get it back?]

In the past, Kater was wearing a strange body in the laboratory.

I found out later that it was the arm of the demon king.

That Demon Tribe is now saying that the Demon King is the owner of this Demon Realm.

‘I don’t think it’s a lie.’

‘Strangely well-fed domination’ proves this.

Both Kater’s body and the crown he wears are made of the demon king’s bones. Perhaps it was only natural that it worked for these demonic things.

The problem is, though, that demon is still moving.

that demon bastard

He might be a bigger guy than he looks.

Just when I was thinking that, the demon who was making eye contact with Kater suddenly disappeared.


My body was blown away by the shock wave from the side.

‘what… … .’

Crying – I swallowed the blood that was about to spurt out and landed on the ground.

Looking at where I was a moment ago, I see Kater and the demons facing each other with swords.

I didn’t even see the demons attack, let alone move.

“A surprise! die!”


Like me, the swordsman, who had been thrown out by the shockwave, rushed in and swung his sword at the demon’s neck.

However, the demons did not show any reaction. Didn’t even look. His eyes were only looking at Cater.


The Sword Saint’s sword, which was heading towards him, bent itself and stuck into the ground.

“What is this… … .”

astonished superhumans.

But I didn’t find it very strange.

It was because the demonic power against the divine power emitted by the demon king sword was quite familiar to me.

Rather, at this point, I couldn’t help but have a new question.

‘Why is such a person a servant of the Demon King?’

The identity of the power that the demons are exuding right now is divine power.

The guy was a transcendent.


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