Archive for Romance Fanrasy

I Became the Fiance of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy
I Became the Fiance of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

In the novel, hee became the dragon’s fiancé. of a marriage soon to be broken.

Pure Love Dark Knight of the Academy
Pure Love Dark Knight of the Academy

Pure Love Dark Knight of the Academy mtl Most of the sequels to the game were worse than their predecessors. I just wanted to see the hidden happy ending, but now I have to connect the love line at the academy. ─ For her happiness, keep all the love that exists in her.

Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy
Civil Servant in a Romance Fantasy

I was possessed by a Romance Fantasy. Fortunately, the blood flowing through the possessed body was blue, so there was no problem eating and living. “Our family’s prosperous fortune is thanks to the generosity we have received from the imperial family.” In exchange for that, I had a father who seemed to shake the portrait of the emperor a little hard in the Jedo Plaza, and was forced to take the civil servant route. When I’m filming other people’s romance, I spend my life as a civil servant with a smile.