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Childhood Friend of the Zenith chapter 47

47 – This time to the volcano. (One)

This time with a volcano (1)

It’s been about a month since I received the request from the Gu family at Haomen.

Big and small things passed by Dounchu in it.

After Gu Yangchian left Haomen, the first thing Tao Yunchu did was to find out information about the Gu family, not about Gu Yangchun’s request or the whereabouts of the information he gave.

Judging from the fact that he talked about Munju first, he should have seen Gu Ga as a possible culprit first.

The helper had to know.

Did the Gu family really kidnap Hao Wenzhu?

If so, for what reason and when?

And why did you send Gu Yang-chun to tell him?

While looking into that, I also had to check the authenticity of Gu Yangchun’s request and the information he handed over.

A month was too short a time to cover all of this.

Even in such a gap, he had no choice but to help.

There was no way to go back without doing it.

First of all, I gathered information about Kuga.

Haomen is a place in the middle of nowhere when it comes to seeking and hiding.

So even if I couldn’t use all the power of the text, I thought I could find something if I sincerely searched.

However, with the exception of the information about Gu Family that Hao Mun had in the first place, no new information could be obtained.

It wouldn’t be to this extent even if it was the fourth generation, but it was a strange thing to do.

It was as if someone had intentionally cut the flow.

‘…Are there three zones hidden in Sega?’

I wonder if I even thought of such a trivial thing.

It was difficult to ascertain the truth about the Yeokcheon Mountain Range that Guyangcheon gave and went to in a period of one month.

Because of the distance, it couldn’t have been easy for information to come and go.

However, I had heard the news that I had found a strange part, so I was paying attention.

Besides that, there is so much information that goes around countless times.

However, even in this situation, Dounchu had to maintain his composure and the original mask he was wearing.

Even if you have any questions, don’t show off.

Because the fact that you are curious about yourself is the biggest weakness you give to your opponent.

I have lived with that mindset until now, and I am confident that I am not wrong.

However, Dounchu had no choice but to let go of that mindset for a while today.

This was something I couldn’t do without asking.

After hesitating for a long time, Helpunchu finally asked.

“…Gongja-nim, can I ask you something?”

“No, don’t ask.”

“What happened to those eyes…?”

Do Yun-chu carefully pointed to the left eye of Gu Yang-cheon.

Gu Yangchun’s eyes, which seemed fine, were not enough to be swollen to the fullest, and there were blue bruises.

“…don’t ask me.”

At the same time, Gu Yangchen’s brow furrowed.


‘I dare ask this…’

I was in an uncomfortable state because I was dragging my tired body.


A sigh escaped from Dowoonchu’s question.

This wound was a token obtained from the fight with the wild boar last night.

to rot…

That crazy wild boar, please calm down and won’t eat even if you die.

What scared me in the middle was that Goo Hee-bi was laughing throughout the dance.

What is it that makes you so excited to run with such an expression?

He said he would release the energy that was out of my body, but from the middle it seemed like he was just excited about himself.

As a result, he was able to discharge most of his energy thanks to the fight with Gu Hee-bi, but he also got this scar.

“…just something happened.”


After the dance was over, Goo Hee-bi looked sullen the whole time, as if she knew that she was a bit overdone.

‘…I dodged the sword, but where the hell is a human swinging an elbow?’

Since it was right after dodging the sword, Gu Hee-bi’s body lacked bets, so it’s a shame, if it hit properly, her head would have exploded.

Never see a fight with that human again.

In the meantime, Dowoonchu keeps peeking at my scars with narrow eyes, as if he’s worried.

In fact, wouldn’t this be enough to make fun of the eyes?

Perhaps noticing my discomfort, the helper coughed.

“…Kuhmm, I heard that you had some work in Sacheon this time.”


At Dounchu’s words, the teacup he was about to drink stopped.

In Sacheon, all I had to do was find Vigo… No matter how much I did, I couldn’t believe he knew about it…

“You said you defeated the Thunder Dragon.”


Oh, that’s what you meant.

Then I felt like my stomach was going down a bit.

Fortunately, you don’t seem to know anything about Vigo.

It was so useless that Dowoonchu asked, so I had already forgotten half of it from my memory.

“It is said that one of the nine families broke the arm of a thunder dragon in a sword dance. Isn’t this the story of Confucius?”

“I didn’t break it…just tap it lightly.”

There must have been only direct relatives at the party meeting. Who the hell is spreading the rumors…

“Because there are as many eyes as there are many mouths.”

Dowoonchu looked at the expression and expected it, instead of answering.

To be honest, I expected that rumors would spread quickly if I made the thunder dragon that way. It was strange that it stopped at this level.

“Already, Namgung is frantically blocking rumors, so it won’t spread much.”

On the subject, is a Namgung a Namgung?

Stopping this from spreading…

‘I don’t think it would have been too much unless they scattered gold coins in the open field.’

Preventing rumors from spreading is more difficult than spreading rumors, but Namgung did it.

There must have been more gold coins than expected.

In the meantime, you must have heard that he had defeated the Thunder Dragon, but it was more amazing that he had no response.

‘…My blue-colored eyes are amazing, isn’t this surprising?’

It’s the same thing as it is…?

“That’s all right, how did the request go?”

To my question, Dowoonchu took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to him as if he had been waiting.

Without hesitation, I took the letter and opened it. It was news that I had been waiting for a month.

“…What is this?”

But something was strange.

After reading a few lines, I couldn’t help but frown.

A brief note on the letter contained information about the whereabouts of the child.

It is said that he left the search area with his grandfather at the time he had already received the request.

It was absurd.

That he left the area and that he suddenly left with his grandfather was something I couldn’t easily understand.

I heard you were an orphan, but you said you had a family? even…

“Have you already left the area?”

“Yes, to the best of our knowledge, this is information we have found.”

A boy of about 10 years old, a gray hair that takes up half of his hair, and a special mountainous terrain.

It would be more difficult to misunderstand because everyone is wearing a unique impression.

If this happens, either Haomen is lying, or the information I knew was false, or else.

something else has changed

‘It’s a headache.’

If Haomen is lying, why?

If I had to find out the reason, I was keeping an eye on him to get more information from me.

I thought he was important, so I kidnapped him and locked him up…

Either way wasn’t a bad thing for me.

If I could do that, it would be more convenient for me.

What if the information I know is wrong?

This is something I don’t like.

‘If he lied under that circumstance…’

This is the past history that Jegal Hyuk, who is no one else, told me directly.

What’s more, if he lied in that situation…

It was such a terrifying thought.

Would you have lied to me even in a situation where everyone was dying?

The reason I couldn’t be sure was because I thought that it might have been the case.

He was a guy who used his brain to deal with thousands of warriors casually with the body of an ordinary person with no internal skills.

‘Even if it’s the case.’

Whatever it is, there is nothing that can be done right now.

There was no point in going around to check it out for yourself.

Sooner or later, I had to go to the volcanic wave.

‘…It feels like troublesome things are overlapping at once.’

“young master.”

“…How do I do this?”

“young master…!”

“…what’s the matter.”

I was on my way out of Haomen and walking down the street.

First of all, there was nothing more to gain from talking there, so he said he would come next time and came out.

And when I came out, before I went in, I tried to buy a medicine.

It seems to be living like a habit now.

While receiving a handful of yakgwa, Moo-yeon is making a sad face behind him.

Why are you doing that?

“…What? Why are you doing that?”

“…I don’t have any money, boy…!”

Unreasonable words shouted out of the blue.

What are you talking about all of a sudden?

Why do you think you will buy it with your own money?

I felt like I wanted to tease her a little bit.

“What!? Why are you saying that now…!”

At my words, Mu-yeon puts on a look of despair as if she knew that would happen.

Seeing his expression, he immediately took out a silver coin from his bosom.

The expressionless expression on my face is as if I was shocked.

Seeing that, I smiled and said.

“What is it, you’re kidding, you’re kidding, did you really want to buy it with your money?”

“No…that’s not it.”

“no? Then why?”

“…If you have money, please give me the money you borrowed the other day…”


“I’m out with the medicine!”

“ah! Medicine department is here, I need to go quickly.”

I hurriedly picked up the medicine that came out of my eyes and moved toward Sega.

It seemed that Muyeon was calling me sadly from behind.

I ignored it first.

I’m sorry… I’ll give it to you next time.


The biggest change in Guyangcheon’s quarters would be the neck sculptures lined up in rows.

It must have been not only Weiseolah that the ordinary and desolate residence started to become a little lively, but also the swordsman’s hobby.

Elder Lee thought so while looking at the eagle that had just been completed.

“He left Anhui.”

It is a question of swordsman.

Elder Lee put down the eagle he was fiddling with. Be very careful not to break it.

“I heard that.”

“…Did something happen?”

Shinui is a person like the wind.

don’t stay in one place for long

The information that such faithfulness went to Anhui had a special meaning.

Anhui is the province of Tianzhen, and Tianzun is looking for himself.

In such a state, the trust that the swordsman was looking for had set foot in Anhui…

I expected something bad to happen.

‘…But why?’

If the Heavenly Father had known that the Sword Master himself was seeking faithfulness, he would never have let go.

But Shinui has already left Anhui?

“Do you even know where he said he went, Guryun?”

At the swordsman’s question, Elder Lee thought for a moment.

The reason Elder Lee had to go to Namgung was because of the family head’s request.

I had to find out about Yangcheon’s engagement, as well as issues related to trust.

When I think of the wanderings I went to Anhui, I had worked so much compared to sending Ouyangchen to Sichuan, so that I wanted to hit Ouyangchen at least one night when I met him.

Sinui had already left Anhui by the time he left.

Even if I asked where he went, there were a lot of words saying that he couldn’t tell exactly.

I heard that Sinui talked a lot about Seonseo at the place where he was staying.

“…if it is an island, is it a volcano?”

Familiar areas popped up. Just a few days later, Guyangcheon was the place to go.

“What are you going to do, old man?”

“If it’s necessary, I’ll have to look for it myself.”

Swordsman himself? I don’t want to be found out, so I’m going to run with my own feet, who is hiding his identity here.

Is this too urgent for the swordsman?

Elder Lee could not easily predict the situation.

I asked what he was going to do, but the swordsman didn’t answer right away.

and after a few days

Elder Lee discovers that the names of Geomson and Wiseol-ah are included in the itinerary to leave for the Volcano Wave.


As a farmer, summer is a hellish season.

This is because not only the scorching sun, but also the crops obtained through hard labor are dried up and often earn less than the original wages.

If that’s the case, even if all four seasons aren’t like that…

From the point of view of a mangdong who continues his life by helping his mother with farm work, summer was the most difficult.

“Oh my! I will never sell this again.”

With a sad cry, he tossed the crops he was holding onto the ground.

Seriously, this dog-like season.

When will this beggarly season pass again?

Every year I wipe the same sweat and lament, but nothing will change.

At that time, the sun’s light, which had been shining without a break, was covered for a while.

“What are you?”

Thinking that it might rain suddenly, Mandong raised his head as he thought.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t raining, but Mangdong couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw the person who was shading in front of him.


Surprised by how surprised he was, the mangdongi shouted as he hit his butt.

Blue-white hair bathed in the sun, white skin as if I were living alone in the shade.

In the past, when Mangdong’s father drank alcohol, she was the image of a fairy who would shout out.


said the fairy.

Crazy, I can’t even raise my voice like this.

He couldn’t calm his beating heart.

“Yes, yes!?”

“Where to go to Shanxi…”

Sanseo…? What mountain book?

Does the fairy live in Shanxi…? The insane mangdongi even laughed at such a thought.

However, I regained my senses by holding onto the line I was barely holding on to.

“Four, Shanxi is to the east from here…”


The fairy must have been in a hurry, and as soon as she heard Mangdongi’s words, she flew to the sky… Ha, she flew to the sky!

With a trembling voice, the mangdong shouted.

“What! Why are you screaming and f*cking!”

“Oh, my gosh fairy, fairy!”

“…Crazy man, he said he was beaten by Bangsuk the other day, so he lost his mind.”

“No…the real good…”

No matter how I said it, my mother turned her head away as if she were working again.

There was no evidence to prove the mangdongi’s words.

“…what is this?”

Only silver coins were left in the place where the fairy was.

This amount was enough to feed the family for several months.

“Mi, crazy…”

Did the fairy give it to you? Mangdong first picked up the hermit and placed it in his bosom.

However, there was a questionable part.

The fairy asked the location of Shanxi. The only thing Mangdong really knew was that it was east.

“…but why did the fairy run west?”

I even pointed with my hand…

The fool will not know why until he dies.


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