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Childhood Friend of the Zenith chapter 190

190 – It’s trivial. (5)

“Turn it off… !”

Not only the appearance, but also the clothes and the sword Muyeon was wearing were identical.

“Is this the reason I chased after you for a week?”

last seven weeks

I felt like I knew why the unknown guys were just chasing after me without any reaction.

Maybe he was aware of the person he had to copy.

If they had the purpose of observation, I could understand a little.

Not just the appearance part.

It must have taken time to get to know his unique way of speaking and expression.

I would have been confident not to be noticed.

When I looked at the level I had seen in the past, I could tell that it was a skilled tailing.

To the point where I can’t tell if I’m not really focused on my level.

Just before leaving Hanam, during the conversation with Paeng Woo-jin.

If you hadn’t caught a glimpse of these guys, you probably wouldn’t have noticed now.

‘Did you proceed with the work because you thought it was ready enough to start?’

So, what I’m curious about here is why did you approach me this way?

Was it to ambush and kill me?

It didn’t seem to me that that was the reason.

At the point of follow-up, and even at the point of carrying out the work, I would have grasped at least a little the level of my inaction.

I think there must have been another reason for being so easily subdued.

I slightly released the power that had been blocking his mouth.

“Huh… . Heo-eok… !”

“Who is it.”

“young master… . Why the hell are you doing this to me?”


“Turn it off!”

When I twist one arm in a strange direction, he screams.

When you look at the muscles that are in pain, as well as the characteristics you show when you scream.

“You seem to be in pain, right?”

This guy seemed to feel pain differently from the guy I met in Shaolin.

‘Am I unable to play?’

At the time, he showed incredible abilities, such as turning his head back even if it turned.

Can’t this guy do that?

‘Or it could still be acting.’

I didn’t know much about them, so I had to see what method they were taking.

“Degree… young master. please do this… !”

“If you’re going to imitate me, you should have done it properly.”

“that… . what.”


I pulled out the sword from his waist.

It was a well-maintained sword that matched Muyeon’s usual personality.

“Hey, didn’t you know that the sword was changed? I didn’t think I would be that ignorant.”

The expression on his face instantly hardened at the words he spat out with a smile on his face.

I saw that and smiled and said.

“It was a lie.”

“… !”

“They say they don’t want to use what I gave them, so they keep it hidden.”

He gave me a good sword to use, but he kept it hidden as if he had received an heirloom.

I wanted to think that someone would steal it.

‘It looks like Gujeol-yeop is aiming for it.’

The subtle look in his eyes felt like that, but he must have just swallowed his mouth water because he had no idea what to do.

Anyway, it was just a random word.

In any case, he was shaken by the words even for an instant, and his expression was caught.

Thanks to that, I was able to be sure that it was acting.

“Where are the other guys?”


Is it because I didn’t know how to get caught?

The guy rolls his eyeballs around.

Seeing this, it seems that he didn’t know that I had annihilated him in Shaolin.

Or, on the other side of him.


“… !”

“Is it right? Your number of people.”

When I told him the numbers he had figured out, he was startled.

‘I don’t think it’s the Dark King’s side.’

If it had been that way in the first place, I wouldn’t even have noticed.

There’s no reason to target me there.

‘I think it’s right that I can’t play it.’

Unlike Shaolin, who couldn’t use martial arts, he couldn’t feel pain and regenerated his broken and torn body.

This guy who seemed to know how to use martial arts didn’t seem to be able to do that.

‘Then is it the difference between having a bet or not?’

It could have been, but the situation is not suitable to grasp now.

It wasn’t even that that mattered.

I raised it as far as I could and spread it all over the place.

It ate up a lot of bets, but thanks to the interruption, it was operated smoothly.

‘It doesn’t seem to be around.’

Not only do I have no idea where the remaining four guys have gone.

The most important sign of smokelessness was not felt.

In this case, the distance is far enough that I can’t catch it.

if not.

‘I’m doing something so that I don’t get caught up in my feelings.’

I’m thinking about what Muyeon did to them.

It was not an easy unmanned military to do so.

A first-class martial artist with a climax just around the corner isn’t even a dog in the neighborhood.

I looked at him and asked.

“Are you not going to talk?”

“How did you notice?”

In the end, the guy who realized that the smoke didn’t work changed his expression and said.

It’s kind of natural now.

“I told you. Did you notice it?”

“It can’t be. There’s no way a kid like you could notice this… .”

“You have no intention of answering the question of where you are from, are you?”

The corner of his mouth trembled slightly at my words that cut off in the middle.

It was like a mockery.

“Kill him.”

When I heard that, I turned my chin without hesitation.

With the sound of bones snapping, his body falls to the ground helplessly.

[…] Well?]

When I killed him casually, Shinnoya showed a puzzled reaction.

I guess I didn’t know that he would actually kill me.

[Didn’t you mean to torture me?]

‘I was going to.’

As soon as I felt that I was in pain, I thought I could get some information.

However, it wasn’t the situation to deal with this guy right now.

I had to know Muyeon’s whereabouts first.

I had to find out why the remaining members, whom I had identified as seven, were scattered for.

More than anything. There was also something suspicious about it.

I put my hand on the fallen body.

He casts the magic punch hole and absorbs the energy he can see.

The guy started to tremble.

“Knock off… . turn off… .”

“He’s not dead.”

As expected, he didn’t die.

The energy that I see from him was telling me that he had to end his life.

I mean he’s not dead yet.

It seems that he can’t easily put his neck back on his own like he did back then.

He pretended to be dead this time as well, so he made a noise as if he was embarrassed by the feeling of his energy getting faster.

“Did you think of telling me this time?”

“town… Leureup… .”

It seemed that he couldn’t nod his head because of his crooked jaw, but it seemed to mean something roughly positive.

I looked at that guy and said.

“Sorry, I don’t give you a second chance at something like this.”

As soon as he finished speaking, all the energy in his body came over to me.

As the energy disappeared, his body disintegrated and disappeared again, just like the last time.

This part was no different from the guy I met in Shaolin.

After checking there, I got up.

What is left is the military uniform Muyeon was wearing, indicating that she belonged to the Gu family.

Likewise, it is only a sword that is given only to the Gu family’s sword belt.

I grabbed the remaining clothes.

‘Clothes are not fake.’

This dark red uniform was only available to members of the old family.

I couldn’t be mistaken because it was no different from the clothes I was wearing right now.

Leaving those doubts behind, I first jumped and moved the distance.

I crossed the forest with my spirits high. It was to return to the camp first.

Moving at a slightly faster speed, a fine presence was caught from a little far away from the campsite.

It was thanks to the widening of the spirit.

However, it was not a sign of innocence.

‘It looks like Namgoongbia.’

The brain that was subtle from a distance was definitely Namgoongbia’s.

The problem is that she’s not alone.

At the same time, a spark was lit in the hasty footsteps.

Heat began to surge through his body.

To the place we arrived with flames wrapped around our bodies as if we were passing through.

There must have already been a battle, and the surrounding environment was in chaos.

In the center, Namgoongbia was grabbing someone’s neck.


At the time I arrived here, or even before that, Namgoongbia was looking at me.

As if he knew it would come.

Just in case, check it out, but luckily Namgoongbia wasn’t fake.

Like the fact that the surrounding area has become a mess. Unlike me, Namgoongbia was not alone, and others were also lying in the corner.

“… What happened?”

When I carefully asked, Namgoongbia calmly arranged the sword and let go of the one she was holding.

Looking at the tingling energy in the middle of it, I could tell that it wasn’t long before Namgoongbia reached its peak.

“surprise attack.”

Namgoongbia explained the situation in short words.

Even that explanation was sufficient.


As I slowly approach, Namgoongbia points downward.

In the direction he pointed, there was a guy Bia Namgoong was holding.

This time, he had an innocent face.

As soon as I saw it, I tried to tell Namgoongbia that it wasn’t lead-free.

“It’s not him.”

On the contrary, Namgoongbia explained to me.

I should have been rather surprised by her resolute words.

“how did you know… ?”

At my words, Bia Namgoong tilted her head and met my eyes.

like eyes. ‘Then how did you know?’ he seemed to ask.

I’m the only one who can figure it out with the monster’s ability.

what is he

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

Putting the question aside, I first asked about the state of my body. At my words, Namgoongbia nodded.

There are four of them all around.

Even if it was not possible, Namgoongbia would have dealt with four people alone.

Her body was in the same state as when sleeping in the carriage.

That said, it wasn’t that difficult to deal with.

‘Are you saying I didn’t send them to those strong?’

The purpose of creating this situation has not yet come to mind.

“This person, no.”

Even in the middle of it, Namgoongbia was constantly saying that the guy lying on the floor was not Muyeon.

I said looking at her.

“I know it’s not, so go back for now.”

“… Alone?”

“Yeah, I’ll check something and go.”

I don’t know how the hell she knows that she’s not lead-free.

I should have sent her to camp rather than ask her right now.

“Go and protect the weasel.”


When Namgung-bia, who had a stubborn expression on her face as if she didn’t want to go, brought up Wi Seol-ah’s story.

Namgoongbia immediately hurried her steps, wrapping her body around her brain.

Then, more urgent than usual, he asks me.

“… Where… . Should I go?”

“All the way to the front you see now.”


In an instant, I was able to realize again that she was a serious stray.

I thought it might have improved since I seem to be able to find my way well lately.

Looking at it now, it didn’t seem like it.

“… soon… . I’ll come.”

Namgoongbia left a message as if she was worried about me.

As soon as she left, I started working right away. This was the reason why he sent Bia Namgung on purpose with the excuse of being a fool.

Fortunately, it seemed that we would not have to go to the campsite.

[What are you trying to do?]

Noya asked me, but I didn’t answer, so I first approached the other guy wearing the Muyeon mask and absorbed the energy as before.

I approached the other three.

Namgoongbia seemed to have only suppressed it, so her breath was still attached. I forcibly woke up one of the guys who had lost his mind by using a bet.

“Oops… !”

The guy who suddenly came to his senses grabbed his neck tightly without giving him time to look around.

“I thought it was strange.”

“Knock… !”

“Apart from the clothes, it wouldn’t have been easy to find a sword.”

It looked better when I touched it myself and poured bets to check the inside.

“Leaving aside those who don’t even look like humans, he’s subtly used to his energy.”

The heat gradually increased from the hand that gripped his neck.

“Where do you belong?”

“Kill, kill… ! Did you think I would say… !”

It would be painful to see his body heat up, but he only said to kill him.

Unlike those who change masks and don’t die unless they get energy.

The guy I’m holding now was an ordinary human being.

Wouldn’t it be somewhere between second-class and first-class?

Watching the guy who was desperate to kill me, I spoke a little easier to understand.

“Three swords and two swords.”

“… !”

“Or is it the Death Swordsman? It wouldn’t be a one-on-one fight.”

At my words, his eyes widened like crazy.

What I meant was simple.

This guy was a man from the Kuga family.

He seems to have hidden it to hide his energy, but the subtle sensation felt from a distance is also the same.

After observing the body by touching it, I was more certain.

“What nonsense are you talking about… !”

Unable to hide his trembling eyes, he harshly denies it.

I initially thought it would be like this.

“yes. Originally, the first one usually didn’t talk.”

It was something I realized after going through countless tortures in my previous life.

In this case, there is a relatively easy way.


“Uh, uh… .?”

Perhaps he felt an unknown heat in his throat, and he let out a sound as if he was embarrassed.

Before long, I opened my eyes wide as if I realized the reason why I was boosting my energy.

“Hey, wait!”



The flames burning from his hands cover him and burn roaringly.

Even if you put a bet on your body, you would not be able to withstand it, but it would be painful to burn with your energy suppressed.

Leaving him behind, I told the people hiding around me holding their breath.

“Did you see? There are several people wearing it. think carefully.”

At my words, I felt a great presence around me.

It was the remaining two guys who were watching as if they thought they wouldn’t be caught.

It’s probably trying to run away.


Before their feet could get away from me, the fireball ball started spinning like crazy, creating a huge orb-shaped wall around it.

– aaah!

Thanks to the control of the flame, I left the one still burning and not dying, and I moved on.

It was not something to be embarrassed about because they were from the old family.

Rather, it was because I thought that there might be a justification inside.

It even made me comfortable.

It was not something to be seen as strange.

I thought that the foxy old man would move soon.

I didn’t know how to use it in such a nonsensical way.

“… Kuck!”

I remembered it after subduing even the one remaining person who tried to escape.

‘As an elder.’

The old man who was supposed to have done this.


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