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Another World Warrior Who Uses a Shop chapter 78

small reward

“Anyway, that’s fine. What are you going to do with the sword you used before?”

“Ha ha, that is completely ruined. I should sell it for only the price of iron.”

“Still, isn’t it okay because you have a new sword?”

“It’s bitter, but it’s a bit of a memory.”


The two drank beer again and talked about nothing. Then Glenn calmed down a bit and spoke up.

“I told the priest about the Adventurers Guild.”

“You already heard.”

Glenn nodded, drank his beer, and said.

“The temple will be on our side as long as we do things for people.”

When people get together, there are naturally people who want to fill their stomachs. Even in modern times, organizations that stood up for everyone at first became degenerate, and conversely, there were a number of cases of power-hungry against the powerless. However, since there is a temple, there will be no such thing in the adventurer’s guild. The temple will continue to act self-purifying within the guild, and if the guild is corrupted, the temple’s protection will be lost. If that happens, all the buds will be dangling. You have to be honest in order to live.

“He also said that this Three-Eyed Gnoll incident would show the need for an adventurer’s association and serve as an example to prove that it is not a simple interest group.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“hehehe, isn’t this also what you thought?”

“Didn’t you say that it happened that way?”

Hyunjoon smiled and sipped his beer. Of course, there was some intention. I left their request in writing, and the Red Forest Village accepted it. In that document, it is written that the adventurers fought for the Red Forest Village, and the village acknowledged this.

And by improving the relationship with the villagers and washing the image, it really made the adventurers shed blood for the village, as the saying goes. In fact, it was so even though it was for money and performance. Some adventurers even got so caught up in the situation that they felt like they really fought for their village.

There is a justification, and it won people’s hearts. The temple will reach out without hesitation to help them. With this incident, the Adventurer’s Guild has laid a solid foundation to spread its wings.

“Heh heh… . I really can’t stand it.”

“You seem to think of me as a very scary person, but you are mistaken.”

“No matter what, you will.”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

“Are you going to put your name on it too?”

“I can’t tell you the details, but if I put my name up, it won’t be good for each other.”

At Hyeonjun’s words, Glenn silently nodded. I put my name on the petition, but that was with the adventurer’s guild. Creating combinations makes things much bigger. The attention of nobles will be attracted, and no matter how you look at it, the power is still too small to have Hyeon-jun, who seems related to the nobles and has a close relationship with the priests.

There is no one who doesn’t know that Hyeon-jun was involved in killing the monster that caused this incident, that the knights and nobles met him separately, and that he seemed very friendly with the priests. Where did he get the luxurious sword that suddenly appeared to him?

“I will never forget your name. Ask for help whenever you need it. Everyone gathered here will support you.”

“ha ha ha! Very strong! If so, you’ll have to call the tax quickly. I will hit and climb much faster than you think!”

Hyeonjun laughed loudly as he spoke, and Glenn also laughed and clinked their glasses. Then, when I tried to drink the beer, there was not even a drop left. The two looked at each other shyly, then giggled.

“Master! Let’s pass a drink to each of these f*cking bastards!”


“June! June! June! June!”

At Hyeon-jun’s shout, the adventurers screamed so loudly that the inside of the bar reverberated. As Hyeonjun giggled and raised his hand, cheers erupted again.

“Hey! If you miss this opportunity, the other guys will get sick to their stomachs.”

“That’s why you should have come here!”

There were several taverns in the village, so some of them weren’t there. But when things like this happen, it’s the fault of the absentee. That’s why you should have known better on a day like this.

The atmosphere of the pub heated up as the owner, who looked like he was mouth-to-ear, poured beer out of his mind. Everyone screamed at a song they had heard somewhere and slammed their beer mugs on the table.

Red-haired ugly Sam! Where did you come from and where are you going!

Fallen shoes and old cloak! There’s nowhere to lie down!

That village girl over there! Laugh at Sam!

Poor, stupid Sam! Laughing at the maiden’s laughter!

“hey! Isn’t that your story!”

“Don’t f*ck!”

“You were kicked last time! It’s your story!”

“Look it up you son of a b*tch!”

“hey! Redhead Sam is mad!”

“shut up!”

Everyone giggled and drank their beers mindlessly. Hyeonjun also emptied four glasses of beer. Is it because of the power of strengthening the body and the strength of the immune system, or is it because the beer here is too low in alcohol? He didn’t get drunk at all, but Hyeon-joon was also intoxicated with the atmosphere, giggling and clumsily singing along.

Meanwhile, the adventurers who saw Glen smiling quietly and tipping his beer glass grabbed him and dragged him to the center.

“Ah, this guy can’t sing even though he’s our captain!”


“Hey, wait!”

“Don’t even think about sitting down until you’ve sung one song!”

“I-I don’t know that kind of song!”

“Then you should call what you know!”

“That, that!”

Glenn looked around in embarrassment and met Hyun-jun’s eyes. Hyunjoon smiled and raised his glass to him. There is a guy who doesn’t like the atmosphere, but I can’t just get over it.

Glenn, who eventually gave up, sang a song about his hometown, his mother, and the girl he promised him a future in with a trembling voice. His voice was deep and resonant, and he sang surprisingly well, so everyone listened quietly to his song.

Glenn’s song evoked nostalgia for them wandering here and there while doing adventure work, so everyone in the bar closed their eyes and remembered the old days.

“Hey, I’m going in now.”

As soon as the song ended, Glenn ran away and tried to sit down. Then, an adventurer jumped up and shouted.

“I lost all my excitement because of you, so take responsibility!”

“okay! Take responsibility!”

“Oh, no!”

Everyone caught Glenn, who was running away, and put him back in the center. Glenn didn’t know what to do, but he was too weak to push the adventurers away and couldn’t escape.

“That’s how we become friends.”

“Jun, you too, come forward!”

“Yes, it’s the main character, but it’s frustrating when you fall for it!”

“What, these guys!”

Hyeonjun just said something, but he became a target. When Hyeon-jun tried to hold on with strength, about a dozen adventurers rushed in, grabbed it, threw it in the middle of the bar, and backed away. When I threw it out, I was scared, so I widened the distance and surrounded it.

“I can’t let go until I sing!”

“okay! Call both of them one by one!”

From noble mtl dot com

“I didn’t call you already!”

“Ah, the excitement is broken, so I have to take responsibility!”

The adventurers laughed mischievously and stamped their feet to match the beat. In the end, Hyeon-jun took the glass the guy next to him was drinking and hit it with a one-shot.


Excited by the hot look, the adventurers shouted and stomped their feet more vigorously. Hyeonjun sang with excitement, just like that. It is a song sung in modern times. Everyone didn’t know any of the lyrics, but Hyun-joon sang it excitedly, so they stomped their feet and matched the rhythm. Modern songs, unlike the songs here, are delicately tuned and full of techniques, so just listening to the melody was exciting.

Hyeonjun was surprised while singing, because the sound he wanted came out cleanly, probably from the power of strengthening his body. Even thinking about it himself, I felt that he sang very well. Hyeon-joon sang a few more songs excitedly while he was away. Everyone didn’t know the lyrics, but they stomped their feet and danced happily.

Hyunjoon felt a warm feeling in his heart. Everyone is delighted with the completely unfamiliar contemporary song. I thought it would be a song that only he would hum now, but it seems that it is a fun song for others as well. Hyeonjun giggled and sang without hesitation. He mobilized all the movements he had developed while strengthening his body and mastering swordsmanship, and even danced to no avail. I can’t dance delicately and in accordance with the song, but because I handle my body so well, I look gorgeous like b-boying no matter what I do.

“Taste the power of modern culture!”


Adventurers who received culture shock exclaimed in admiration as Hyeon-jun got excited and talked about bullsh*t and moved splendidly. Glenn slipped away from the wild party, hid in a corner, and gulped down a beer. It is impossible to go out and sing in this atmosphere. If that’s the case, I’ll just drink a beer and pass out. However, he was discovered before he passed out, and Glenn, who was halfway drunk, lost his mind and started to sing while screaming.

Even those who had been drinking at other places flocked to the commotion and drank all night, screaming and drinking. In the end, the tavern owner, who had reached his ears, said that he had run out of alcohol, and then dispersed.


“Whoa… .”

Hyeon-jun, who woke up a little later than usual in the morning, put on a screen behind Haim’s house, took off his clothes, and poured water from the well. I rubbed my body very hard because my body was itching because I couldn’t even wash properly after the crazy party the previous day.

In the end, Hyun-joon, who could not stand it, put on only his pants and went to the well to draw water and put it on. Village girls and aunties passing by sat down and watched, but they didn’t pay attention. It’s not a body that can’t be seen, it’s more important to wash it.

“You walk around very naked, don’t you?”

“Are you jealous?”

“It sucks.”

At Gunther’s words, Hyeonjun took up his posture and said. One of the women who was looking at the muscles on her back screamed.

“It’s annoying having to keep drawing water.”

“You’re trembling like a real girl.”

“what? Did Carl tell you?”

“okay. He was a light-mouthed guy, so he spoke very softly.”

“He’s really going to catch me and curl my hair.”

When Hyeonjun grumbled, Gunther chuckled.

“So, what happened?”

“hehehe, I just saw it while passing by.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

If you saw it while passing by, why would you talk to it if you just passed by? They’re not even close enough to say hello to each other.

“Um, would you like to work with us?”


“Then why don’t we cover that damn body first?”

“Did you leave your clothes behind?”

“I’ll turn.”

Hyeon-joon brushed off his wet body and walked back to Haim’s house. And as I started to put on my clothes, Gunther let out a sigh. I don’t think I was like this when I first met him, but why is he a guy with a lot of weird corners?

“A request to subdue bandits came in, but I was originally going to refuse it. Because I received a request from Red Forest Village. However, it ended sooner than expected, and if the time is right, we will be able to subdue the thieves as well.”

“I can’t get out of here until tomorrow.”

“what? why?”

“Because there is something to be received.”

At that, Gunther raised his eyebrows and stroked his chin, where his beard stood out.

“Then, go back to Taxis first and receive the request and prepare.”

“Oh, I can’t go to Taxis for ten days.”


“I can’t go in until the triumphal ceremony is over.”

“Damn it! What’s with all these picky guys!”

“Uh huh, if you mess with me, ask a nobleman”

Gunther was no fool either, so he quickly realized that the nobles were closely intertwined. However, I can’t help but feel upset when the rambunctious boy says no to this and that, like a sleazy city girl.

“Then, how about seeing it from the village at the foot of the mountain north of Taxis?”

“Wow, that’s a rough name for the real town.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Before that, we need to talk in detail.”

“Um, good. Let’s sit down and talk for a while.”

“okay. Come in.”

“It feels like home.”

Gunther grumbled, but followed Hyeon-jun into Haim’s house. Emma, who was preparing breakfast when she saw Gunther’s grim face, was startled, but when Hyun-jun explained the situation and Gunther paid for food, she smiled and greeted them.

“Your face is wrong, apologize to Emma.”

“What is this madman doing?”

The meal began as Gunther grumbled and sat down. Even Haim and Steen were seated, but there were no knives. He had been so drunk the night before that he couldn’t even get up. In fact, there are few adventurers who can move except Hyun-jun, who is fine with the power of Gunter’s party and the ability he bought at the store, where they drank moderately. Even Glenn was sick and the reception desk was closed.

“So, talk.”

“This is a request from the village under the mountain in the north of Taxis. It is said that bandits who do not know where they came from suddenly settled down on the mountain.”

Both Hyeonjun and Gunther spoke without hesitation even though they were at a dinner table. Haim and Emma didn’t seem to care too much. It’s because it’s so far away that it’s completely someone else’s story.


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