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Another World Warrior Who Uses a Shop chapter 75

small reward

“I’m the person involved, but I’d like to know a little bit too.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Everyone smiled and sat back down.

“What is similar and what is different?”

“Um… .”

Despite Hyun-joon’s question, everyone couldn’t bring up the story.

Because they couldn’t speak clearly.

“It is certain that there is a blessing from God.”

All the priests nodded at Bahanus’ words.

“But the problem is, I don’t know what kind of divine blessing it is.”

Again the priests nodded. Looking at it, somehow it’s a little cute and fun.

“Then what does it mean to feel alike?”

“that is… . Somehow, it’s similar to the feeling I get from Behbine’s divine power… .”

“Then, is this the blessing from Lady Verbine?”

“It is not.”

A priest said firmly. The priest said that different things were different.

“The feeling is similar, but it is definitely a blessing from a different god.”

“But it feels… .”

“But it is definitely different.”

“It’s a divinity I’ve never encountered before.”

“Isn’t it a blessing from a god who has some connection with Behbine-nim?”

“I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“Isn’t that all we know?”

“If you look at the fourth line on page 118 of the Bible, all gods exist by themselves… .”

Hyeon-jun withdrew a little from the priests who were engaged in a theological battle by citing the Bible and examples from the past.

So to sum it up, I have absolutely no idea who the god bestowed blessings on Hyeon-jun, and although it feels similar to Behbine, it means that it is definitely a different god.

“Then you don’t know which god bestowed blessings on you?”

The priests, who were having a heated discussion at Hyeon-jun’s words, stopped.

They put their heads together again, unable to admit it, but eventually gave up and spoke in a depressed tone.

“yes… . We have no idea what god bestowed blessings on us because of our lack of ability. I have encountered all other divine powers, but this is a completely new divine power.”


Hyunjoon pondered for a moment. Is it okay to bring up the story of the goddess of education and growth here? Hyun-jun thought of a way to bring up the story of the goddess without bringing up the story of the status window and the store, but it seems that he can’t hide it completely. But it’s too wasteful to throw away this opportunity. The priests of Behbine seem to be more passionate about theology than the priests of Carios, so they certainly seem to know more… .

“Aren’t there any gods related to education or anything like that?”

‘I don’t know. They’re priests, so that’s fine.’

Hyunjoon closed his eyes and asked quietly.


The priests looked at each other and tilted their heads.

“Well, I’ve never heard of an education-related God.”

“Neither do I.”

“Um… .”

Theological Otaku… No, if priests who are passionate about theology don’t know about it, it could be a real unknown goddess. To say that I have a similar feeling to Behbine, isn’t it like a younger sister or a daughter?

“But why did you ask that? Can you guess anything?”

“Recently, for some reason, I have been quick to learn this and that.”

“Umm… .”

The priests groaned again at those words and fell into anguish, but in the end nothing came of it.

I don’t know if their pride was hurt by that fact, or if they were blaming themselves for their lack of studies, but their faces were expressionless. A person who is not familiar with something new just ignores it when he discovers something new he does not know, but a person who knows well, when he discovers something he does not know, blames his own shortcomings or digs to the end.

“What is certain is that there is no related story in Verbine’s Bible.”

“What about the other Bibles?”

“Kuh, I have all of them, but my studies are lacking… !”


Is it okay to have another god’s bible? What would Behbine say?

“I’m not qualified to go around saying I’m a priest!”

“Calm down. If you say that, what will we become?”

‘It’s truly terrifying.’

Other priests comforted the screaming priest. But the comforting words are somehow strange. I think he meant not to turn around… must be an illusion Are you a priest?

“Anyway, if you don’t know, that’s fine. You may not know.”

At Hyeonjun’s words, the priests turned around. Bahanus, who was calm, also has burning eyes.

“That, that… !”

The priests were restless and their lips trembled, but you can’t suddenly know something you didn’t know. I’m not using a store like Hyun-joon.

“Anyway, everyone doesn’t know, but if you hold on and talk, you’ll suddenly find out, don’t you? In any case, it is enough to know that the priests do not know.”

“Keugh… !”

Dorian, who acted like an innocent boy, trembled as he bit his lip.

But Hyeonjun crossed his arms and nodded.

“It is enough just to work hard like this without knowing anything. It was late at night, and I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I was here. I’ll just go.”

“Now, wait a minute!”


Ada grabbed Hyeon-jun’s arm. As Hyeon-jun looked at them incredulously, Ada glanced back at the other priests.

“Something, something… !”

“Ha ha, priest. It’s really fine.”

Hyeonjun gently squeezed Ada’s hand and let it go. Everyone couldn’t help but watch Ada’s hand fall from Hyeon-jun’s arm with a sorrowful expression.

Bahanus’ tightly clenched fists trembled.

“I’ll just go. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.”

“Joe, be careful… Come in… .”

When Bahanus barely smiled, Hyeonjun smiled softly, bowed his head, and left the room. And there was only silence in the room.

“Hey… … !”

One of the priests fell to his stomach and trembled.

Bahanus placed a hand on his shoulder with a solemn face and spoke in a sad tone, but with determination.

“Brother, our study was not enough. I’ve been conceited in the meantime. I thought I knew when I didn’t know anything. It was a foolish judgment indeed. If you really knew, you wouldn’t dare say you knew… !”

“Brother… !”

“Let’s start over. Not conceited, like the feeling I had when I first entered the temple and sat in front of the priests!”


Hyeonjun heard the sound as he left the room and went down the stairs.


Hyunjoon sighed and nodded.


And without hesitation, I left the building and moved to Haim’s house.

It is unfortunate that information about the goddess cannot be obtained, but what cannot be helped is unavoidable. How could he find out what even priests like that theology otaku don’t know? Rather than that, let’s be content with teasing the priests and regaining our peace of mind. I’m a little sorry, but Behbine will take care of this much. Hyeon-jun walked lightly, holding Dvan’s sword, the sword that was now his.


From noble mtl dot com

Hyeonjun, who woke up early in the morning, was going to head to the inn to see Bahanus. It was for sparring with Bahanus.

Seeing the price of Longsword 2 and combat skills (skills) plummet, I wanted to give it a try. Fortunately, I haven’t bought anything yet, but I decided to buy anything related to magic after receiving magic tools from someone sent by the Kurman family, and I decided to make a decision about swordsmanship and combat skills after sparring with Bahanus. .


When Hyeon-jun left the room and went down to the first floor, Carl greeted him with a smile.

“knife. Um, it feels like I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

“hahahaha, well, it’s only for one day. Anyway, are you feeling okay?”

“I am fine. you?”

At Hyeonjun’s question, Carl frowned and trembled.

“Don’t talk. After returning to the village yesterday, I did something to bring everyone together, but my stomach suddenly felt… . ugh… . It was said that a strange insect had entered it, but I thought I was really dying.”

“Are there any dead people?”

“okay. It’s thanks to the priests.”

Hyeonjun nodded as Carl shrugged his shoulders. Yesterday, I was too busy talking about the triumphal ceremony and the goddess, so I couldn’t even ask how things went.

“ha… . By the way, goodbye to the good times now.”

“Good times?”

“okay! There is no more three-eyed game!”

“This is a strange thing. Wake. And if the three-eyed game comes out again, the worm will enter the stomach again.”

“Ugh, it’s an absolute specification!”

Hyeonjun smiled and patted him on the shoulder before moving toward the door to get out.


“Look at the priests.”

“Where are you sick?”

“No, I have something to do.”

“okay. thanks for your effort.”


Then, he left Haim’s house and went to the inn where he had been guided by Bahanus the day before.

“uh! June! Are you okay?”

When an adventurer passing by saw Hyeon-jun, he waved his hand and approached.

“okay. Are you okay too? You said it wasn’t even a fuss?”

“We are fine thanks to the priests. I thought you were really dead when I saw that you were being carried on your back in a mess.”

“You said you were lifted? Who carried it?”

“The priest brought it on his back.”

Hyunjoon sighed and buried his face in his hands. Suddenly, I feel sorry for Bahanus. Has Behbine already punished him for coming back with a light heart after teasing them the night before? With remorse?

“Keuheum, anyway, I’m glad everyone is okay. I have a place to go. See you next.”

“okay. thanks for your effort.”

Hyeonjun entered the inn with slightly heavy steps. Then, accepting the innkeeper’s eye contact, he went upstairs and stood in front of the room used by the male priests.

“…page 24, line 12 says, when the world was full of darkness, they appeared from unknown places to shed light for mankind… .”

Hyeonjun was about to knock, but stopped. I can hear the priests’ heated discussions inside. It’s still early in the morning, but I’m so eager. Wouldn’t it be a little sorry to disturb them? Come to think of it, I was in a hurry and didn’t even eat breakfast. If you go down to the first floor, have a quick bite, and come back up… .

“for a moment.”

Inside, Bahanus spoke and the door opened immediately. Hyeon-jun turned around and was about to go down, but when his eyes met Bahanus who opened the door, he smiled awkwardly and straightened his posture. Well, Bahanus probably wouldn’t have noticed that Hyeon-jun was coming to the front of the room.

“Brother. What are you doing early in the morning?”

“If you don’t mind, I came here because I wanted to have a sparring with the priest, but everyone seems busy, so I’ll come back later.”

“no. it’s okay. I will leave right away.”

Then, with only a spear and a shield, he immediately left the room. Hyun-joon glances inside and sees Ada.

“It’s really amazing that you study so hard from early in the morning.”

At Hyeonjun’s words, shame that could not be hidden appeared on the faces of the priests. Hearing Hyeonjun’s words made me feel as if I had been severely reprimanded. It’s because I don’t usually get up at this time to study. Of course, I worked really hard.

“no. We are just people who don’t know anything.”

Hyeonjun awkwardly nodded at Bahanus’ words. His petty pranks take the priests in a strange direction… . No, it was made into a more faithful priest. Does this count as karma? Hyeonjun, who had become a serious karma addict, muttered to himself.

“Come on out.”

“Yes, yes.”

At Bahanus’ words, Hyeonjun greeted the priests and went down the stairs. Until the moment the door closed, the priests looked at Hyeon-jun with burning eyes and enthusiasm.

“If possible, I would like to borrow a wooden sword or wooden spear from the guards.”

“Well, can’t we just be careful with each other?”

“There are things I want to try out, and I want you to do it seriously.”

Bahanus nodded with a calm expression. He also has something to say about Hyeon-jun’s swordsmanship.

Fortunately, it was very easy to borrow a wooden sword and wooden spear from the guards. Hyeon-joon, the village hero, and Bahanus, the priest, ask for a loan, but is there anyone who can reach out?

“I want to do it in an inconspicuous place.”

“Then let’s go to the forest.”

The two slowly walked towards the entrance of the village. Adventurers passing by met Hyeon-jun and greeted him, but bowed their heads politely when they saw Bahanus. Now it’s time for people to go around, so I had to continue to greet them as I made my way to the entrance.


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