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Another World Warrior Who Uses a Shop chapter 17

Nostalgic scenery

“Shosanna, you don’t know how surprised I was when I heard that the paladins were heading to Bimarn this morning.”

“Do not worry. Fortunately, I was able to get out early.”

“What the hell happened to Bimarn?”

Shosanna unraveled what had happened. Excited like a child, we talked about each one from the first time we arrived in Bimarn. When he said that he had killed more than a hundred goblins in one day, his eyes sparkled and he even waved his arms. Then I ran out of the woods and got to the point where the party broke up.

“At that time, Jun said that there were a lot of goblins in the forest. And there are scary ones too. So I got out of the forest and ran right away. And Jun said that he would not be able to come out if he went into the rain, so I left all the money I had saved and ran away right away. The other two said they would return to Bimarun until the end, so we broke up.”

“Good job. good job.”

Haqman took Shosanna’s hand and spoke affectionately.

“After that, I asked for an escort on the way back, but if Jun wasn’t there, I could have died.”

Shosanna spoke excitedly, but Hackman, apparently shocked by the fact that he could have died, widened his eyes and stared into Shosanna’s face.

“Oh my God, Shosanna…”

Hackman’s face was pale, as if he had aged ten years. My eyes were red and tears welled up.

“Ah, uncle.”

“You troublemaker. Aigoo, this, this, aigo…”

Eventually, Hackman burst into tears and slapped Shosanna on the shoulder. It didn’t even itch because she had no strength at all, but Shosanna was at a loss as to what to do. Hyeon-joon, who was watching that scene, finally couldn’t stand it and opened his arms to Shosanna and showed a hugging gesture. Shosanna clumsily hugged Hakman. He heard Hakman’s rough breathing for a while, and the tears finally stopped. He jumped up and came to Hyeon-jun, grabbed his hand, and made eye contact.

“Thank you very much. I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if it wasn’t for you.”

“Don’t do this. Elderly. Shosanna is my colleague. Of course you did what you had to do. If it wasn’t for Shosanna, I wouldn’t have been able to survive this safely.”

“Thank you very much. thank you so much.”

I saw the hot emotion in Hyeonjun’s eyes. His love for Shosanna was felt. Hyeonjun felt an unknown emotion. What is this?

“Ah, anyway, uncle. I want to go back to my hometown, please help me.”

“Inum-ah, to go away like that again! Look at Mary’s face and go!”

Shosanna, the protagonist of this situation, tried to change her words as if she couldn’t stand it. Asking for help so confidently shows how close they are. Hackman hugged Shosanna, who laughed awkwardly, and patted Shosanna on the back.

“Show Maria your face. I even fainted when I heard that the Paladins were heading to Bimarn this morning.”

“yes? oh my god! Are you okay?”

“Because it’s not okay! You f*cking bastard!”

Harkman gave Shosanna a slap on the shoulder. Unlike before, it gave me a lot of strength. But Shosanna didn’t budge. I’m just restless as if I’m worried about someone named Maria.

“Go quickly!”


Shosanna didn’t even say hello and left. Hyeonjun said hello to Hakman and was about to leave.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I escaped anger.”


Actually, it was true, but it was strange to keep saying no, so Hyeon-jun just laughed.

“See you later in the evening. Maria can’t just let Shosanna go, so she’ll have to spend the night at my house.”

“All right. See you in the evening.”

Hyeonjun greeted him politely and left the room. The door closed, and Hyun-joon’s sensitive ears heard Hakman’s rough breathing. Hyeon-joon went down the stairs without saying anything for him. Men sometimes need time to weep alone.

“June! come fast!”

As soon as he stepped out of the building, Shosanna stamped her feet and called for Hyeon-jun. I must have been waiting for Hyun-joon after he left without hesitation. If he had run away first, he would have had to meet Hackman again in an awkward atmosphere.

“OK got it.”

After meeting Hackman, he hurriedly followed Shosanna, who was acting like a child. Shosanna continued fidgeting, half-running and walking. In the end, I almost ran from the middle, got out of the mall, and stood in front of a building. It is a small house, but there is also a small garden in the yard, and the building is also a neat and beautiful house. You can feel the sincere touch everywhere.

“Maria! Maria!”

Shosanna put her hands on the wall, jumped, pulled herself up with only her arms, and slammed the door. The 20-year-old night guest is also surprised. The only place he touched the wall was his hand, so not a single trace was left.

“There are no perfect thieves.”

Hyeon-joon sighed, holding his head in front of the gate. Where did the trusty warrior Shosanna go?

“oh my god! Shosanna!”

From noble mtl dot com

The door burst open and a finely aged little woman came out barefoot. My eyes are swollen from how much I cried and my face is a mess.


Shosanna supported her thighs with one hand and cupped her back with the other, lifting her up and hugging her. It was like a father hugging his daughter when he frowned and looked at her vaguely. Hyeonjun thought as he looked at the scenery over the fence.

“Shosanna, it’s good. I really know how you will be… Black.”

Embraced in Shosanna’s arms, Maria wept bitterly. Anyone who sees her will think she is a mother welcoming her son back from the battlefield.

“Don’t worry. Maria. look look I am perfectly fine.”

Shosanna took Maria away from her arms and gave her a good look. I didn’t put it down because she was barefoot. The strong arms held steady without shaking.

“Ah, I’m glad. Shosanna. I’m so glad.”

Then Maria smiled at her tear-stained face and gently caressed Shosanna’s face. Shosanna smiled and held Maria upright with one arm as she entered and closed the door.

“I’ll turn.”

Hyeonjun, who was left alone, put his head on the wall and muttered. It’s a touching sight, but what about me?


I shouted out loud and waited for a while, but there was no sign of it coming out.

“Show~Sanna! No~ let’s come!”

Hyeonjun tightened his stomach and gathered all his strength and shouted. shame? What about people who don’t know anyway?

“Ah, sir! Embarrassing!”

The door burst open, and Shosanna rushed out and opened the gate. Hyeonjun’s voice was so loud that people passing by, as well as the next door, the next door, and the next door opened the door and poked their heads out. It is the power of strengthening the body.

“What, man?”

“Shosanna! What does a grown-up girl say!”

“Oh sorry! no! Maria!”

Shosanna frantically grabbed Hyeon-jun by the collar and dragged him inside. Hyeon-joon barely stood up at the irresistible force and avoided rolling on the floor.

“Billion, Shaw! mountain! me! go! catch people!”

“Stop it, you bastard!”

“oh my god!”

“no! Maria!”

The confusion subsided after Shosanna threw Hyeon-jun on the floor inside the house and approached Maria, who was flustered and nagged at her.

“Hey, what are you doing? wake up soon.”

“Ah, I can’t get up because someone threw me.”

Shosanna gritted her teeth, but she became a gentle sheep with one look in Maria’s eyes, smiling with a bloody face and raising Hyun-joon up. While doing so, I squeezed Hyeonjun’s arm with a lot of strength, but it didn’t break the joint, and there was no blow to that extent.

“Ah, I think I hurt my back when I fell…”

“It’s a big deal. Let’s sit down quickly.”

Shosanna grabbed Hyeon-joon’s arms, pulled him tightly, and lifted him up and sat him down on the chair. As he removed his hand, he pressed his thumb against her neck from an angle that Maria couldn’t see.


“Oh, did you hear Sarai?”

“Oh, no. Nothing.”

Hyeonjun, whose voice turned upside down, smiled and said. A warm glance passed between the two.

“sorry. To greet guests like this.”

Maria said to Hyeon-jun with a red-faced smile as if she was embarrassed.

“No, are you this beautiful?”

Hyeonjun laughed at what he said, and Maria covered her mouth with one hand and smiled discreetly.

“Thank you for saying that. It’s not polite though. I’ll be ready soon. Shosanna. Don’t be too rude.”


“Don’t talk too much.”


Maria climbed up to the second floor with a quick stride. Shosanna was looking at the stairs and as soon as she confirmed that Maria had gone up, she glared at Hyeon-joon as if she were going to kill him and spit out.

“Don’t act rashly in front of Mary. I’m going to shove your head into your groin.”

“Chuckling, I’m scared, so I have to scream at least.”

“Mr. Lee…”

The moment Shosanna opened her eyes, she heard Maria’s voice from above.

“Shosanna! Serve the tea!”


Shosanna, who quickly became a good kid and answered with a bright voice, glared at Hyeon-jun and headed for the kitchen. Hyunjoon broke out in a cold sweat.

‘Dogs are scary, really.’

Leisurely burying himself in the chair, Hyeonjun looked around the house. It feels small and simple to think of it as a house where the head of a large trading house lives. The ornaments don’t look great, but there are pieces of a woman’s face that seems to have been cut with clumsy workmanship, a slightly clumsy but meticulously drawn landscape painting of this house, a painting of Hackman’s sleeping face, and pottery with playful colorful hand patterns on a pure white background. There are only things full of love.


Shosanna set the teacup down on the table. The hand that had been straining to keep it from making a sound trembled. Hyeon-jun deliberately exaggeratedly lifted the teacup, smelled the fragrance, and took a noble sip. The way he raised his little finger made him want to break it.

“Oh, Miss Shosanna. The car you gave me amazes me. No one will ever get out of a car like this.”

“what? delicious?”

“Because the only human who can make tea worse than you is a dead human.”

“What, man?”

“That person must have been recognized for his skill in brewing tea after he died and went to God’s side.”

“uh···. thank you?”

“With the ability to turn ordinary tea into poison.”

“·······. Are you kidding me?”

“Are you really clueless? Miss Shosanna”



“Oh, Maria, welcome. Shosanna gave me a cup of tea, and it’s pretty good. Of course, it’s my first time drinking it, so I don’t know. ha ha ha!”

Hyeon-jun put down the teacup and jumped up and went to Maria. Maria’s face hasn’t gone down yet, but she’s tidy and neatly dressed. Her behavior is also rather modest, like a noble lady.

“nice to meet you. madam. My name is Kang Hyeon-jun, an adventurer. Please call me Jun.”

Hyeon-joon greeted Maria elegantly, recalling the aristocrat in the movie as much as possible. Hyeon-jun was a prank he thought would make Maria burst into laughter. However, the atmosphere in the house froze in an instant. When Maria didn’t answer, Hyeon-jun looked up and looked at Maria’s face. tired of pale


Surprised, Hyeonjun turned his head and looked at Shosanna. She also has a very confused expression.

“What, why are you doing this?”

“Gwi, I’m not a noble…”

“Isn’t it?”

Shosanna stuttered with a confused look on her face.

“What is that greeting?”

“I saw it everywhere.”

“How can you not be a nobleman?”

“Is that weird?”

Shosanna did not answer. It was only then that Hyunjoon realized something was wrong. This happened because Hyun-joon perfectly reproduced the greeting in memory with his excellent physical ability. It was an elegant gesture that perfectly controlled every single fingertip, enough to be admired even by those who did not know the etiquette.

“Aristocratic etiquette is invisible to commoners.”

Maria, who had recovered her face, said with a smile. Unlike before, when she smiled like a girl, it is a soft smile as if drawn in a painting.

“No, it is a misunderstanding. I am not a real noble.”

“Huh, I know. Please have a seat.”

Hyeon-jun looked back at Shosanna in embarrassment at Maria’s smile, which seemed to be completely unaware of it. Shosanna averted Hyeon-jun’s eyes and slowly backed away.

“Hey, you can’t do that either.”

“Muh, I don’t know what you mean, yo?”

“Damn it. There again.”

The air grew chilly as Hyeon-joon spat out a curse.

“Because I’m not a real noble!”

“Yes, yes.”

Shosanna said with trembling lips.

“Shosanna, what are you doing in front of guests? Come on, have a seat. It’s not enough, but Jun-do, hurry up and have a seat.”


In the end, the situation calmed down when Hyeon-joon, tired of the two not believing no matter how logically and rationally he explained and presented evidence, took off his clothes and threw them away, saying that he would run out naked.

“I really don’t know anymore…”

“I’m not a noble… It’s commoners…”

Maria quietly poured tea for the two who were suffering with a bewildered look on their faces. The scent was distinctly different from Shosanna’s. Why would you put this nice car out there like that? It is worth knowing Shosanna’s skills.

“Jun, I’ll trust you when I say Jun isn’t a noble.”

I guess I knew it because I kept claiming that.

“I’m not a noble…”

Hyeon-jun, who was unable to say anything but ‘nobles’, muttered.

“Be careful not to show etiquette again. Everyone will immediately notice that you are aristocrats.”

“I’m not a noble…”

Maria was already convinced that Hyun-joon was from a noble family. It’s not the southern kingdom, but probably a noble from another country. It could be an immature young boy who ran away from his family, a descendant of a famous family who thoroughly followed the tradition and continued his education even after the fall, or an illegitimate child who barely survived due to succession issues after being active in a social circle or family due to his ability.

As the hostess of a huge store, she has developed her eyesight by meeting nobles in person. I changed the format a bit, but it’s perfect etiquette. It makes no sense to just follow what you saw. Unless you are thoroughly educated from a young age, it is impossible to show perfectly calculated movements without any disturbance. And nobles never show respect to commoners. Because there is no need to set an example for the little things. Even Maria happened to see an example of an aristocrat only once. Of course, not to her, but to other nobles.

On top of that, the upright posture and the technique of putting the teacup down without making any sound. From a way of thinking that recites one’s past that seems already prepared, to a reasonable basis, to a logical thinking and to deriving a reasonable result, to a speech that clearly understands it at a glance. so perfect It was too perfect to hide the intellect of its rigorous education and lineage.

In addition, Hyunjun has good skin and fine hair. Above all, his teeth are white and straight. Apart from other things, even and white teeth are absolutely impossible unless thorough care is taken from an early age. Some nobles also have yellow or crooked teeth due to neglect of maintenance. But look at those beautiful teeth. Completely aristocratic.

Of course, it is a complete illusion, and it is the power of modern civilization and body enhancement.

“Huh, then Shosanna. tell me your story You don’t know how surprised I was when I heard that the Paladins flocked to Bimarun this morning.”

Still, Maria didn’t laugh like a girl like before, but she treated Hyeon-jun quite comfortably. He could really be a commoner, but even if he was actually a noble, he felt that Jun wanted to be treated as a commoner.


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