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77 Rout Zombies 5

“Mr. Butler. The territorial army is in sight.”

“I’ll be there soon”

“People are creatures who dream.”

“Even if it’s an illusion.”

“I caught Ex!” ?

The faint hopeful face of Yesman who rushed to the reception room after being contacted by the head maid quickly turned into disappointment.

“Was it Batz and Elfman from the Zombies who caught you? And… Huh? And who?”

In front of Ryogu, who had a strange look on his face, were three tied up men. Two swollen-faced heroes, Zombies, and a stranger in military uniform.

The expressions of Ryogu’s subordinates surrounding him were dull.

“Sorry, my mismanagement.”

“Well, did the heroes cause any trouble?”

“I wonder if Keyman is a stranger in military uniform.” Insider?

“Hero Zombies tried to kidnap a girl who was protecting Ex, so she was arrested.”

“Wh-What!? I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“The details are written there.”

Yesman scans the report that was thrown to him. The military cannot lie because they are idiots. Therefore, it is an unbelievable folly, but everything written there is true.

“…this is horrible”

“Wait! Butler. That’s a misunderstanding. We didn’t do anything. Oops.”

“It’s useless! You can’t cover up the facts. Also, this guy might have more sins.”

The liar fell silent when Ryogu kicked the whispering bats. They kicked me until I obeyed, so the two with their battered faces must have learned to remain silent.

“I can’t forgive you. So did the man betray you and guide you?”

The stranger in the clothes of the bound army was pale and trembling.

“Ah. Speaking of betrayal, yes. It’s hard to explain. … How should I put it, I was impressed that you were more enthusiastic than usual, but here you are. Ah. Look at the end of the report.”

< p>

Yesman made a dubious face, wondering if Ryogu, who was stranger than usual, felt a sense of danger. And Yesman’s stomach hurt when he saw the peeing remarks in the report.


“I will accept whatever punishment you may have.”

This is terrible.

“It’s cruel to write off the credit.”

I even feel a little sympathy for Ryogu, who was involved in the suicide bombing when he was called us.

“What’s the situation?”

“I apologize, but you won’t listen to me.”

Ryogu made a dying face.

“I want you to kill me.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you… such a face.”

“He’s been given a disciplinary dismissal and a restraining order, and you’ve been reduced to three months. I dare not relieve you of your position as captain. Find Ex and repay him.”


The man, drenched in sorrow, rushes frantically toward Sheeptown. The recent morning conversation was soothing.

Ryogu, the strongest man in Forest End, became a hound and started chasing Ex in earnest.

“You guys are on the back burner. Put them in jail.”

“Wait a minute, the value of life is different between us, the heroes, and the brats. This is too much.”

“Exactly. Unacceptable. We were just asked by Izel.”

The hero Izel becomes a collateral damage.

“Oh, is this the third move?”

“We were framed. Ex and Izel! We’re victims.”

“Exactly. Ex set the trap.”

Yesman let go of the two who shouted.

“There is anger towards Izel.”

It seemed that he didn’t even have the energy to care about small items, so he called out to the remaining subordinates of the territorial army and disappeared with a clattering sound.

“I asked for it”

“Yes man. Hey! We’re the heroes of the city, aren’t we? Sell your favor, Yesman.”

“Oh my God, I have no luck with women. And that’s because that maid was over 12 years old. Old hag is no good. Women are up to 8 years old.”

“Huh? Me too?”

“Guide the three of us to the cold prison.”


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