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74 Footsteps of Downfall (Viscount 8)

“My dog ​​ran away.” That was Viscount-sama’s true feelings, and his fierce anger turned toward the butler.

“Yes man!! Why haven’t you found that flawed mage yet? What are you doing in this emergency, Izel?

Furthermore, the energy of anger seemed to be directed at the Viscount himself, and he pressed his chest painfully.

“Viscount-sama. It’s hurting my body, so please calm down.”

The Viscount-sama, as advised, began to shift responsibility in order to calm down.

“Yesman, do you understand? You can’t extend your promise to the princess any longer?”

With a sorrowful expression, Yesman repeated his words countless times.

“Yes. I’ll do my best to find Ex.”


… It’s been three days since then.


“Ex has not been found yet.”

“I thought everyone would find it soon.”

how is that? When I opened the lid, I found that no one could find an ex that didn’t feel a vague sense of danger.

“Did he notice that he was being chased?”

“Ex, where are you?”

Yesman quietly closed his eyes and asked himself. Twitching eyelids move and seem to have found a solution.

“That’s right! … World Search will tell you.”

“Then we headed to the magician’s hermitage.”

“Yesman, what can I do for you today?”

“Let’s meet a mage who can use world search”

“Then I’ll connect the channel, so please wait here.”

After waiting for a while after being led into the room, the crystal enshrined in the center glowed, and a calm old man in the royal capital was reflected in the crystal.

“My question is search. I’ll answer anything, so leave it to me. Don’t worry.”

“That’s good. Tell me where he is in Forest’s End.”

When I showed Ex’s employment statement, the mage, who was full of self-confidence, was upset for some reason and sat down.

“Hey. Eh, Ex-sama!?”

“Oh, did you know him? By the way, who is Ex-sama? What is your name?”

At Yesman’s question, the old man staggered to his feet and shook his head helplessly.

“We are arrogant, but we know it unilaterally. World Search”

“Ex’s current location is Sheep Town. I’m working with the puppeteer Luka.』

Yesman’s ears twitched and he rejected the unexpected answer. This is because, in the past, the magic tool Search Eye, which is the cornerstone of the city’s security, has never been broken.

“Impossible! Are you saying that Ex slipped through Forest End’s heavy security and escaped? The maid left in the room is a decoy?”

“Calm down. You’re definitely in Sheeptown. You don’t seem to get it, so I’ll teach you one for free. It’s possible with Archmage Ex.”

“A great mage?” ? ? Even the true butler Yesman can’t hide his turmoil at the meaningless and overrated title.

“Ex is the archmage!? No, the Ex I’m looking for is the Ex who was kicked out of the magician’s hermitage. It’s not the X you saw in the newspaper.”

“T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-tit. Blue. That’s the newspaper’s mistake.”

“The uncovered truth.”

“It was fake news from the Brave Newspaper.”

“Wh-what is it?… Are you insane?”

“Hmm. It’s like I’m looking at myself a little in the past. That’s a high level of mimicry. We should admit that we’re being played around by Ex-mage’s cunning personal information manipulation.”

After leaving the magician’s hut, Yesman’s face turned pale and he was dizzy like a sleepwalker.

“I don’t know what you mean. When did Ex become a great mage? I’ve been trying to reduce my worries at the mage’s hermitage. Let’s find it for now and think about it.”

The next person I went to see was Ryogu of the Imperial Army.

“Ryogu, please give me a progress report”

“Ex will come back in three days. Please wait three more days.”

Yesman pressed his eyes.

“Do you remember saying the same thing yesterday and the day before yesterday?”

“B-but. I heard it directly from the maid in Ex’s room this morning. That’s why. No mistake.”

Yesman let out a sigh. Because the territory army puts too much emphasis on actual combat, the strongest guy is the captain. The body is strong, but the mind is weak, so it’s a problem.

“Ex, I know you’re in Sheeptown. Send me a pursuer.”

“I can’t do that. Security comes first. Besides, if you wait three more days, I’ll be able to catch you when you return. Don’t worry, just wait for me.”

…I heard that line three days ago. And, far from being relieved, Yesman felt dizzy.

Yesman realized that no matter what he said to Ryogu, it was useless, and in the end he went to see Izel, the forest guard, whom he didn’t want to rely on.

“Izel. I’m Ex, but I know you’re in Sheeptown. Send out your pursuers immediately.”

However, what came back was an unexpected reaction.

“Hmph. I’ve already searched there. I’ve caught up with the doll princess, but the steps have disappeared from there.”

“He’s an unreliable opponent, but he seems to be excellent.” It pisses me off that the information was hidden. Old raccoon dog. Yesman’s words sharpened.

“So how do you plan to proceed?”

“Take the third move”

Yesman’s temples twitched at the secretive and bossy Izel.

“By the way, I haven’t heard any details about the first or second.”

“Trade secret. But yeah. Let me tell you a little bit. I used Urakal from Slum Empire.”

Hearing that name, Yesman frowned disgustedly, but Izel happily misunderstood and grinned that she had shown her personal connections.

“That Uracal!?”

“That’s right, this is my personal network.”


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