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Nanomachine Emperor chapter 88
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 88

Demon Cult. A gathering place of demons that suddenly appeared one day and shook the continent. They quickly expanded their power, starting with the blood method using blood and the dark magic that revived the corpse. He made an astronomical amount of money by distributing drugs such as Devil’s Whisper, and spread the ‘Apocalypse’, and the number of followers once exceeded 1 million. Read at Judging that if left alone, it would become a malicious group that would eat away at the entire continent, and the Empire and the Sacred Church joined forces to launch a sweeping operation. And it is still ongoing. for as many as 30 years. In today’s world, ‘demon hunting’ and ‘witch hunting’ are taken for granted. If it is judged to be related to the Devil Church, the Sacred Church can invoke the right of immediate disposition and dispose of it. Regardless of nationality and class. Even the empire, even the imperial family, could not escape if there was suspicion. If it becomes clear that the emperor is related to the Demon Church, the emperor will also be punished. Some madman would ask if he would dare to punish the emperor of the empire, but the Sacred Church was the ones who could do that. It was because the Holy Church was the only group capable of engaging in an all-out war against the Empire. ‘… The predecessors of the Devil Church are the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Deadly Sins.’ I knew them all too well. The fact that the real name of the Devil Church is the ‘Sinister Church’. their doctrines, and their purposes as well. ―When a deadly sin is born, the world comes to an end, and only those who believe in the church can become residents and angels of the new world. The Seven Deadly Sins are beings that share the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, and when the Seven Deadly Sins gather together, the Seven Deadly Sins are born and lead the world to the end. The ‘Archangel’ of the Seven Deadly Sins consists of pride, stinginess, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth, and the Church makes all decisions only under the guidance of these Seven Deadly Sins…. in short. ‘They’re crazy.’ These are crazy things that believe in the apocalypse. The use of blood and corpses was also perfect for defining them as demons. Because…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 87
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 87

Arel looked at Reinhardt quietly. It was true that I was nervous even when the beggar child approached. All the human nobles she had seen would be furious if their honor or dignity were damaged. But Reinhardt didn’t even frown. On the contrary, they handed out bread and declared, ‘I need to overturn the plate.’ ‘person who is abnormal······.’ To Arel, Reinhardt is the most unpredictable person in the world. It was an existence with bottomless potential, not knowing where it would bounce. So it was difficult. Even more so because I didn’t know who he was. Honestly, even if I didn’t kick or hit, I thought I would at least frown. Because the crown prince, who grew up fine in the imperial family, hadn’t washed for a long time and had no experience getting close to a stinky child. ‘I didn’t even frown.’ Instead, they handed out bread. Of course, even if he ate leftovers, the fact that the crown prince of the empire would act like that came as a shock to Arell. Shock. Yeah, it was a shock. I saw a different side of the prince without blood or tears. A person who doesn’t open up easily shows kindness to a child he sees for the first time. Well, that wasn’t the end. “… Why did you move the mercenaries by burning the supply depot?” Arell couldn’t help but ask. Even if you don’t burn the supply depot and raise mercenaries, you will be able to threaten Viscount Hainan enough. Even if he didn’t reveal his identity, it was enough for Arel to be there. Hearing the trumpet sounds outside, Reinhardt shrugged his shoulders in the inn. “A man like Viscount Hainan never shares what he has with others. If the supply depot is burned, they will only try to protect their own.” “Wasn’t Viscount Hainan sufficiently subdued without leading the mercenaries to attack the castle?” “Mercenaries are living witnesses. If Viscount Hainan gets greedy again, the mercenaries won’t stand still. Even if we don’t care, they’ll take care of themselves.” All the food in the supply warehouse was burned, but the food secretly hidden in the lord’s castle was more than that. All food left in the castle that day was distributed to mercenaries and civilians. It was an enormous amount that could be eaten for 15 days with just that. And it was Reinhardt’s idea…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 86
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 86

“…” I watched for a moment and then gave a thumbs up. Strictly speaking, there are no guidelines on how to behave as a mercenary. Besides, since I left Arel alone in the forest, it was my fault for not thinking that something like this could happen. Nod! Perhaps taking it as a compliment, Arell slightly lowered his head. It seems that the corner of the mouth has also risen subtly. Have there been a lot of things that have accumulated in the meantime? ······ yes. You did well. * Sending Arel alone to the mercenaries’ quarters was the beginning of the problem. Rumors about Arell having dealt with the monstrous wolf had already spread widely among the mercenaries. The mercenaries, who did not believe that only a B-class mercenary dealt with the monstrous wolf, quarreled, and the result was this catastrophe. “Are you awake!” “good morning!” Early moning. The mercenaries, whose faces were swollen like bread soaked in water, bowed at a 90 degree angle toward Arel, who was coming down the stairs. Arel, who subdued the mercenaries with one fist, was already being treated like a legend. It has established itself as number one in the ranks in name and reality. Arel, slightly embarrassed, showed a hesitant posture. It seemed that he had never thought that the battered mercenaries would surrender so neatly. “Arel! Would you like to eat?” “The seat is left empty!” The mercenaries continued their fervent courtship towards Arell. The mercenaries, who did not believe that only a B-class mercenary dealt with the monstrous wolf, quarreled, and the result was this catastrophe. Arel, who subdued the mercenaries with one fist, was already being treated like a legend. “Are you awake!” It has established itself as number one in the ranks in name and reality. “good morning!” Arel, slightly embarrassed, showed a hesitant posture. It seemed that he had never thought that the battered mercenaries would surrender so neatly. Early moning. The mercenaries, whose faces were swollen like bread soaked in water, bowed at a 90 degree angle toward Arel, who was coming down the stairs. “Arel! Would you like to eat?” The large hall on the first floor was thoroughly cleaned, disregarding yesterday’s catastrophe. Some blood stains are visible, but I tried to ignore it. In the world of mercenaries, the strong one is the leader. Such a refreshing reaction is rather unnerving. Maybe I…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 85
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 85

do you agree? I agree, but it’s forced. It was like saying that if you don’t agree, you won’t be treated as a stranger. It’s funny indeed. “I can’t agree.” All Epic’s faces crumpled after hearing my answer. In particular, Calvanas showed an openly dissatisfied expression. Of course, he could have acted. They may pursue practical gains by stealing information pretending to agree. However, I have no desire to join such an abnormal group. At this point, everyone is fighting based on their ‘values’. For example, Malfiel wants the wolf princess of Ageus. Humans hope to drive out the wolves that have occupied the valleys and forests for the development of mines, Epic, who called themselves ‘strangers’, were only aiming for the monopoly of the princess. The princess and the wolves must also have a reason to protect the forest. I also came all the way here to rob Malfiel of his feat. “Can’t you agree?” Calvanas created a sense of intimidation with a menacing attitude. He asked again as if he would give him another chance, but it means that he should change his words even now. The reason for the failure is clearly visible. It is best not to board a ship that is certain to sink. “Ah, I can’t agree.” “Aren’t you a heathen too? If you were a stranger, you would have felt the fear of persecution and death. I don’t want to take revenge on the dragon.” Fear of persecution and death. That’s what I’ve felt and experienced in the past. But I’ve never had the idea of ‘killing everyone’ because I was persecuted. Because I know how stupid that is. Would it be possible to erase everything else to create their own world? It was even more ridiculous to try to pass that kind of backlash as just ‘Princess Awakening’. “I guess I can’t do anything unless I lean on something.” “What······? Who am I leaning on?” “Aren’t you relying on the princess? Are you going to isolate and occupy a princess who treats you as ‘strangers’? And ask the princess to slay the dragon? A passing dog would laugh at it.” The front and back don’t match. In the first place, the wolves of Ageus treated Epic as ‘strangers’. She wasn’t the princess of strangers, she was just a complete stranger. Above all, they believed that if they encouraged the surroundings, isolated the…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 84
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 84

fast. But not to the extent that you can’t catch it. The wolves of Ageus running through the woods rivaled the elves. However, Windrunner was invented to compensate for the speed of such elves and give them freedom of direction. I jumped as short as possible and played with my feet. “…?” As soon as they caught up to a close distance, the wolf of Ageus turned its head. When the wolf checked me, it frowned and disappeared with the sound of the wind. ‘Space Leap.’ It is also a space jump. Although it is incomparable to the level used by Adolph, the dragon of the Dragon Blood Society, he is using the magic that has already disappeared as naturally as breathing. ‘It’s the space-jumping magic of the windowless window.’ So is it epic? But there was no reaction from Zero either. If the opponent is Epic, even though I should have reacted when fighting the soldiers just now. Is it a human who ruled Epic like Eugene? There are many interesting corners, such as absorbing monster wolves. ‘Where did you go?’ [It’s 300m northwest.] The reason it can be confirmed through satellites is because weak light is emitted when jumping. Northwest of here is the valley side. The jump range seemed to be about 300m or so. I turned and ran, stepping alternately between trees and the air. “…” Aware that he was being caught, the wolf of Ageus eventually stopped. In an instant, they met two eyes that glowed hostilely red. He picks up a dagger from his bosom and threatens to attack if he gets any closer. 【Lv. 100] However, looking at the scanned results, I tilted my head inwardly. It’s strong, but if you look at the level, it’s far from the level that Malfiel would have a hard time capturing. It was just Arel. It can be called strong by human standards, but weak by dragon standards. If Malfiel, the dragon, did his best, there would be a way to capture him alive without reaching him. It’s literally something that can be crippled from a distance. “Stranger, get out of here.” knows how to speak human It seemed that he was not simply raised by wolves and raised only as wolves. ‘Communicate. then’ My purpose is one. To usurp Malfiel’s feat. And now, the object of that feat was before my eyes. There are two…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 83
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 83

The Kingdom of Rigel is the loser of the East. However, he did not have particularly good memories with Rigel Kingdom. It was the first country conquered after ascending the throne. “Isn’t it rich?” While driving the wagon from the driver’s seat, he asked Arell. Before long, Arel, who was fidgeting around in the carriage, stretched out her neck and looked around and answered. “··· Yes. There seems to be room on people’s faces.” Leisure comes from abundance. Aside from the relationship between me and Rigel Kingdom, it was an undeniable fact that this place was geographically rich. First of all, there are many high-quality grain belts with four distinct seasons. If you spit out a seed and throw it away, it has great intelligence to grow a fruit on the spot. There are many valleys and rivers, so there is no need to worry about water. Thanks to the abundance of agricultural products, they eat well and live well through exports. There is no place on the continent that does not handle agricultural products from Rigel Kingdom. The empire relied on imports for about 30% of its grain, and about half of them were brought in from Rigel Kingdom. ‘Grain is plentiful, but there is no ore.’ The problem is ore. There are no ore resources such as copper, silver, gold and copper. Because it was ore resources rather than agricultural products that became real money. Depending on income, the balance was not right, so the Rigel kingdom turned on the lights and aimed for the silver vein in the Ageus Valley. “Does the clothes fit well?” Arell asked cautiously. I lowered my gaze slightly and checked the clothes. “It’s comfortable and nice.” Allel’s eyes trembled once. It was a natural reaction since he was wearing trivial clothes that commoners would wear. However, it was not possible to stand out more than necessary unless you went through formal procedures and crossed the border. It’s better to disguise yourself as a commoner. If Jeremin had seen it, he would have struck a bell. I would have foamed at the mouth and objected if it had compromised my dignity. ‘A sense of openness is not bad.’ It is surprisingly open compared to the clothes worn for formality. Should I call it a sense of liberation beyond a simple sense of openness? “stop!” “Stop!” A gateway that divides the boundaries of the…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 82
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 82

Why did you visit Palmonto Workshop? The first reason is the regeneration of the Bone Dragon. It was to grant ‘artificial life’ as a means to attend the plenary session of the Dragon Blood Society. It was Damon’s way to create and control a new AI in the surface consciousness, and because of that way, Damon avoided the dragons’ pursuit for a long time. In other words, even dragons cannot be recognized if a new AI is implanted in the surface consciousness. And that was proven through this confrontation with Lord. Didn’t Zero also avoid suspicion by recalling the northern dragon to his surface consciousness? Thanks to dealing with Damon in the north, I was able to learn that method. And I decided that if I could make it so that Zero could dominate it by overlaying the northern dragon AI on the artificial life form, it would be enough to enter the plenary session. ‘Windrunner is needed to hinder Malfiel.’ Second reason. Windrunner itself is the goal. ‘Malfiel is currently stagnant in the sixth feat.’ This is what the Dragon Lord confirmed. Being ‘not’ breaking the sixth feat. It means that even though it can be broken, it is not broken. And Malfiel will appear in the world one year later, achieving his sixth feat. ‘Hate toward man. Because I have to overcome that to achieve the sixth feat.’ The current Malfiel is extremely reluctant to touch humans. I tried not to touch it even though I knew that my body was a ‘dragon’. However, the sixth ordeal can only be overcome by reaching it. ‘To capture the wolves of Ageus alive. That’s the content of the sixth feat.’ It refers to the wolves that live in the Valley of Ageus. But that wolf is not a real wolf, but a human. A human raised in a pack of monstrous wolves. In recent years, it has become a nuisance to Rigel Kingdom. A vein of silver was discovered in the Valley of Ageus. However, to create a village for development, you have to cut down the forest and make a road. In the process, the kingdom of Rigel had been colliding with the pack of the monstrous wolf ‘Silver Fang’ for several years. The wolf of Ageus was a man-wolf that had become famous in the meantime. In the case of killing the sword master of Rigel Kingdom. To…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 81
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 81

Following Palmonto’s gaze, he lowered his head. There was no need to explain what part of the lower body he was talking about. “You mean I need it?” “Yes. It is the foundation of life alchemy.” Palmonto tightened his voice. “It” is the most basic requirement. I thought I would only need the Philosopher’s Stone, but I felt like I was hit with a single shot. I put it in my mouth one more time for final confirmation. “Seeds, so my seeds?” “Semen.” Asking what to say in such a twisted manner, Palmonto hit the mark. ‘······ It will turn.’ Got it. I got it, but the problem was how. No matter how crazy he was, he was the emperor. The palace was filled with women who could be embraced with just a gesture. Above all, all court ladies in the palace where the emperor lives are legally the emperor’s women. How could the young emperor be abstinent, since only the handmaids with outstanding beauty were selected and assigned? This was also the goal of Archduke Carlos. It was to prevent him from being crazy about women and turning his attention to state affairs. Even after he was threatened with assassination at night, he entered a compulsory abstinence… Isn’t this an island, not a palace? Only elves and dark elves. ‘Elfs and Dark Elves are famous for their off-white color.’ For those who seek beauty, this island is heaven. Blemish-free skin that glows even without washing and clear features. There was no one who was not handsome and beautiful. It is a level of beauty that is hard to find even in the capital city. It doesn’t even age well. Persephone, who has lived for hundreds of years, is now only in his thirties. Because of their characteristics and beauty, they have been exploited by humans since ancient times. Instinctively looking away, Palmonto said curtly. “You can take care of it yourself.” “… it’s stern.” “Then would you choose between these?” Even in the middle of a busy conversation, the elves and dark elves looked at me with contempt, as if they were listening to what Palmonto was saying. It is natural for them to have suffered a lot from humans. However, as the crown prince of the empire, as a former emperor, I couldn’t even imagine dealing with it alone. How can I endure such a sense of shame…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 80
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 80

“This is the first time since Princess Carnell’s coming-of-age ceremony, Your Highness Reinhardt.” Archduke Persephone replied while drinking tea leisurely. They came in under the pretext of investigation, but unlike other nobles, they were able to afford it. ‘There’s not even an inch of confusion.’ Other nobles make a fuss just by seeing a wyvern from afar. On the other hand, Grand Duke Persephone was calm and undisturbed. It was only natural that he was a Dark Elf who had lived for a long time and was a Grand Duke who divided the Empire. I didn’t even expect a surprising reaction in the first place. “Do you know why I came?” “I heard that the Dragon Knights are causing a stir in the system recently. Seeing that they flew all the way to my territory, it must be the reason for the investigation.” Even knowing that I came here for an investigation, I still feel this relaxed. Grand Duke Persephone, who was nicknamed the emperor of the business world, could not help but get involved in illegal affairs. However, it was thoroughly concealed. His name won’t come out even if it’s revealed. It takes a lot of determination to weave him. 1It is on a different level from tying the empress and nobles together. I nodded and said. “I received a tip that poor-quality copper is mixed with the steel swords supplied by the military at your workshop.” “Huh. What kind of workshop are you talking about?” “’Palmonto Workshop’ and three others.” Palmonto Workshop. When the name came out, Archduke Persephone’s eyes lit up. “The studio has never been disclosed to the public, but… Who did you get the information from?” “Well, you know better.” The Palmonto workshop was where Archduke Persephone secretly developed elven weapons. It was a workshop made up of only elves and dark elves craftsmen, and the Empire was completely unaware of its existence. If someone reported it, it meant an elf or a dark elf. Grand Duke Persephone’s impression was crumpled when he heard that there was a traitor inside. I looked at Arel for a moment, but Arel shook her head. “… Palmonto Workshop does not make iron swords for military service. Sounds like a false spy.” “As long as the intelligence comes in, as the head of the investigation, I have an obligation to check it myself.” “…” Archduke Persephone looked at me…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 79
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 79

“Are you going to just watch it like this, Empress Sylvia?” “The crown prince’s tyranny has gone too far. Three people have already been executed. If you ignore it, you never know how far that sword will go.” Nobles gathered around the first empress, Sylvia. It was only a day after the news spread that Crown Prince Reinhardt was away from the palace. There were already three nobles who had been executed by Reinhardt for seven days. Even as all three of them were aristocrats with deep bones in politics, the shock was indescribable. And coincidentally, all three of them were Empress Sylvia’s closest aides. ‘If I stay still like this, he’ll hit me in the neck.’ Targeting them was the same as targeting her. They couldn’t weave them together right away, but after cutting one or two like this, they would suddenly change at some point and start strangling her neck. I had to count. I couldn’t let you stand still like this. So, I chose an armed demonstration. Reinhardt’s force itself was unattractive. So, it was judged that if he led the conversation with the knights and nobles, he would be able to press the flag. By the way······. ‘Wyvern?’ Wyverns can never be raised by humans. cannot be tamed It was already considered common sense. A hundred years ago, the Empire tried its best to challenge, but the anecdote of failure spread like orthodoxy across the continent. This is because aggression toward humans cannot be eliminated, and wyverns, by their nature, avoid even someone approaching them from behind. I can’t even imagine putting a human on my back. Even if he was raised as a baby, he could not control his instincts. That is normal and common sense. Now she was being denied common sense to her face. ‘Ten wyverns pulling a boat…!’ It’s not even about carrying people on its back. A wyvern is used as a means of transportation. Read at Just like horses pulling carriages, Wyverns appeared leading huge ships. does this make sense? When you see a person, it is a wyvern that attacks first. They cannot coexist because they do not regard them as more than prey and prey. But now, the Wyverns were extremely docile. Even after seeing the myriad prey placed around them, they remained silent. Even though the commander in charge of the fortress wall and his soldiers…