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Bab 1 – Kepulangan Kakak Perempuanku dan perkembangan chuni-nya
Bab 1 – Kepulangan Kakak Perempuanku dan perkembangan chuni-nya

Bagian 3 “Hei, apakah masih jauh?” Claire menghela napas di salah satu ruang kelas sekolah. Segala sesuatu di sekelilingnya dikelilingi oleh awan putih, tanpa satu orang pun selain dirinya. “Tidak akan lama lagi.” “Berapa kali kau pikir kau telah mengatakan itu?” “Sudah kubilang tidak akan lama lagi. Aku mencoba untuk memperluas celahnya, tetapi itu membutuhkan waktu karena kekuatan sihirmu tidak cukup untuk melakukannya.” “Ah, ya ya, maafkan aku karena daya sihirku rendah. Meskipun aku tidak terlihat seperti itu, aku adalah salah satu orang yang paling kuat secara sihir di sekolah.” “Betapa buruknya standar yang dimiliki sekolah itu.” “Bisakah kau berhenti membuatku jengkel?” “Maafkan aku, aku mengatakan yang sebenarnya tanpa bermaksud demikian.” “Ngomong-ngomong, celah apa maksudnya?” “Celah agar aku bisa kembali ke duniamu.” “Duniaku? Pertama-tama, di manakah aku?” “Ups maaf, aku tidak bisa memberitahumu~” Claire kembali mendesah. Ada banyak hal yang tidak ia pahami. Di dalam kelas, duduk bersila, ia melihat suatu keganjilan. “Hah?” Sesuatu menyentuh kakinya. Saat ia melihat lebih dekat, ia menyadari bahwa itu adalah lengan seseorang yang setengah transparan, lengan manusia yang penuh darah, menempel pada salah satu kakinya. “B-benda apa ini?!” Claire berdiri dan mulai menggoyang-goyangkan kakinya untuk membebaskan dirinya dari cengkeraman tangan itu. Setelah dia membuang lengan itu, lengannya jatuh ke tanah, tetapi seolah-olah tumbuh darinya, seseorang yang bermandikan darah muncul. Itu adalah seorang pria berkulit gelap dengan mata cekung dan luka besar di dadanya. Dia jelas-jelas orang yang sudah mati. “Hati-hati. Itu adalah Wraith.” “Wraith?” “Salah satu pahlawan yang terjebak dalam keabadian tempat ini, di masa lalu. Tolong lepaskan dia.” “Lepaskan dia…? Dan bagaimana caranya?” “Aku tidak tahu, bagaimana kalau kau memukulnya, misalnya?” “Ha.” Claire menaruh sebagian kekuatan sihirnya ke dalam kepalan tangannya dan meninju wraith tersebut. Saat ia melakukannya, benda itu hancur karena pukulannya. “Itu menjijikkan.” “Jika para wraith sudah ada di sekitar, itu berarti segelnya melemah… aku pikir, ini buruk.” “Segel apa?” “Ah, lupakan apa yang aku katakan. Sayang sekali, lain kali aku harus mengatakan hal-hal ini tanpa dia mendengarkanku. Bagaimanapun kau harus lebih berkonsentrasi pada kekuatan sihir mu daripada telinga mu.” “Aku dengar itu.” Setelah itu Aurora kembali diam. Claire terus bertarung dengan para wraiths. “Betapa aku berharap aku memiliki pedangku.” Claire telah meninggalkan pedangnya di sisi lain. Jadi, dia hanya menunggu Aurora menyelesaikan apa pun yang dia lakukan sementara dia mengalahkan sesekali wraith. Wraiths menjadi semakin sering dan awan putih semakin meningkat. “Aurora, apakah kau akan lama?” “Sedikit lebih lama.” “Benarkah?”…

Bab 1 – Kepulangan Kakak Perempuanku dan perkembangan chuni-nya
Bab 1 – Kepulangan Kakak Perempuanku dan perkembangan chuni-nya

Bagian 2 Itu adalah waktu istirahat. Aku bersama Hyoro dan Jaga di kantin sekolah. “Nah, apa yang harus aku makan hari ini?” “Sungguh beruntung seseorang itu, bukankah begitu Cid-kun? Kau bisa makan apa pun yang kau inginkan dengan uang yang Anda curi dari saya.” Dia ada benarnya, tetapi uang yang aku peroleh dari mereka, aku masukkan ke dalam celenganku demi menjadi seorang Eminence in Shadow, dan aku tidak akan menyia-nyiakannya untuk hal semacam ini karena itu akan mempengaruhi aktivitasku yang akan datang. Aku seorang pria yang memiliki prioritas yang sangat jelas. Aku pikir hari ini aku akan memilih makan siang 980 Zenis, sungguh kombinasi yang buruk untuk para bangsawan. Aku yakin bahwa penghematan semacam ini akan membantuku di masa depan. “Lama tidak bertemu, adik kecil.” Tiba-tiba seseorang berbicara kepadaku dari belakang. Hanya ada satu orang di dunia ini yang memanggilku “adik kecil”. “Halo lagi, Nina-senpai.” Rambutnya yang merah anggur hari ini masih halus seperti biasanya. Blusnya sedikit terbuka di bagian atas, memperlihatkan payudara yang menggairahkan, dan rok mininya memperlihatkan kaki rampingnya untuk dilihat semua orang. Gaya modern, tetapi cukup berani. Ini adalah Nina-senpai, seorang siswa kelas tiga. “Kemana kamu pergi sepanjang liburan musim dingin? Claire mencarimu setiap hari, dan bahkan memaksaku untuk membantunya. Benar-benar melelahkan, lho.” “Aku punya banyak urusan.” “Oh, jadi ada urusan, ya.” Nina-senpai mendekatiku. Sejujurnya, dia cukup kecil. Tinggi totalnya hanya setinggi dadaku. “Dilarang menyerobot antiran.” Kataku, mencoba untuk menghentikannya, tetapi dia melewatiku dengan mudah. “Adik kecil, apakah kau akan makan siang bangsawan miskin 980 Zenis lagi? Betapa menyedihkan~” “Ini tidak menyedihkan. Pola hemat ini akan membantuku mencapai tujuan besarku dalam hidup.” “Ya ya, terserah apa katamu. Tapi biarlah aku membelikanmu sesuatu hari ini. Apa yang ingin kamu makan?” “Yang paling mahal di menu kalau boleh.” “Baik. Kalau begitu aku pesan makan siang super mewah untuk bangsawan kaya 100 ribu Zenis.” Nina-senpai meminta makan siang yang paling mahal dari semuanya. Dia adalah sahabat kakakku, dan karena itu dia selalu memperlakukanku dengan baik. Faktanya, dia adalah senpai hebat yang melakukan apa pun yang aku minta. Di lain waktu aku mengatakan kepadanya bahwa aku ingin membaca grimoire terlarang dan dia segera membawakannya kepadaku. Masih menjadi misteri bagaimana dia mendapatkannya, tetapi dia memperlakukanku dengan baik. Ketika aku bertemu Nina-senpai, waktu itu dan untuk pertama kalinya, aku senang menjadi adik kakak perempuanku. “Aku-ajak aku juga, tolong!” “Y-Ya, aku juga ingin!” Hyoro dan Jaga berkata, meskipun sangat gugup berada di dekat Nina-senpai….

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 146
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 146

“The demon realm’s tent….” The moment the world started to shake, Hannibal turned his head. At the same time, both eyes shook like crazy. The demon world’s curtain was shaken, destroyed, and began to peel off. There was no time to understand why the curtain of the demon world, which had never changed since the beginning, was suddenly peeling off. It’s not just the tent. “What are those guys?” There was a legion approaching from afar. Humans who have nothing to do with the demon world. Northern warriors, pagans, and lords! They, Kazan and Leon were on their way down together. ‘Could it be that they came to support the Empire?’ It was absurd. Wasn’t it a relationship that had been at war as if they were going to kill each other not too long ago? Moreover, since it was a surprise attack, it meant that they requested support from the North as soon as the war started. After the warriors of the north joined the imperial army, they began to push back the soldiers of the Holy Church in an instant. In particular, the waves of the monarchs and factions were beyond imagination. This is why humans are annoying. It was human beings who created strange variables to increase work. “……I’m going crazy.” Hannibal hesitated. The tabernacle of the devil world was destroyed, and the imperial invasion of the Holy Church was not completed due to the sudden aid from the north. I had to choose one or the other. Whether you focus on the given mission or prepare for the invasion of demons. “Ballog. May I ask you here?” “… this place?” “I’m going to go to the dragon blood party. The demonic curtain has collapsed, so we need to find out why. sorry but······.” “Don’t let that happen.” “Are you really going to be okay?” Perhaps blocking the veil is more important. If it was something more important than the mission, it would be counted towards the completion of the feat. He said he was willing to do the less important work. Balrog came up with his own excuse. “I’ve just joined the Dragon Blood Society, so going there won’t help. Rather, it would be more progress to carry out the last feat here.” “thanks.” Thank you. I almost said thank you more. Without Hannibal, it would be easier to end this war. Hannibal looked at the…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 145
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 145

‘It’s a temple.’ Cardinal Bahamul trembled when he received the Pope’s letter. The Paladins were additionally reinforced, and the number exceeded three times the first. They had defeated the elite soldiers of the Empire with only a thousand numbers, but now it seemed that they would not lose. As long as the holy war has been declared, there can be no defeat. Not to mention, support from kingdoms following the Holy Church, including the Kingdom of Rigel, was also arriving. Meanwhile, the empire was becoming isolated. One clash is the difference between winning and losing. “······ The emperor said he would personally command the soldiers?” However, upon hearing the news of the Imperial Army, Cardinal Bahamul couldn’t help but frown. It was a battlefield where the imperial army was in the middle of a confrontation after retreating. With Croft’s betrayal, the enemy’s morale plummeted. It’s a fight that will end if you push forward as it is. If the princes had stepped forward, they would have easily won. However, the story is different if the emperor directly steps forward. Called the Holy King, he was still influencing the entire continent. Numerous people followed Deus, and the trust of the Imperial Army was absolutely absolute. That’s why he goes to the battlefield? The Imperial Army has no choice but to change desperately. ‘It’s completely unexpected that the emperor himself came forward.’ It was the first time the cowardly Emperor had appeared on the battlefield. He, who always controlled only from behind, commands the front? I thought it wouldn’t happen until I died, but an emperor is an emperor? Don’t give it time to reorganize. However, it cannot be pushed recklessly. ‘If the playback is overheated, even a music box can’t save it.’ The crow saintess was confined behind bars and playing the celestial music box. As a result, the soldiers of the Holy Church gained infinite regenerative ability, but the end of regeneration was death. Due to overuse of regeneration, it turns into a lump and dies. The thousand soldiers regenerated by the music box are all dead. Since the follow-up units have been reinforced, the Sacred Church must also have time to reorganize. ‘We are at a disadvantage if we procrastinate.’ But this was an empire. Dissemination and response are all fast. A surprise attack only caused chaos, but a long-term battle is inevitable. “Croft. Lead by example. I will…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 144
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 144

gulp! Isabella swallowed. Following Isar’s words, he was trained directly by the mercenary king Karbal, and finally was able to obtain the title of knight of the empire. In the process, Croft’s influence worked and she joined the Yellow Dragon Knights, but she, now an apprentice, had no choice but to participate in this invasion. “Ah!” “Kill!” “Push!” Battlefield to die and die. Hundreds of corpses increased in the blink of an eye, and this place was literally a mountain of corpses and a river of blood. “There must never be anything as wicked as going to the heart of the empire!” “Kill! Leave no one alive!” The elites of Palman, including the Yellow Dragon Knights. It was too many to welcome the invaders of the Holy Church, which were only a thousand. However, the invaders of the Holy Church did not die. Tiriri~ A music box that can be clearly heard even on a battlefield where screams are rampant. The sound of the music box was replaying the invaders of the Holy Church in real time. Arms sprouted when an arm was cut, and a neck sprouted when a head was cut. And the regenerated parts swelled up even more, and most of the invaders lost even their human form. ‘It’s terrible…’ A knight she dreams of and wishes for. I wanted to follow Reinhardt in the Yellow Dragon Knights and fulfill his dream. It’s not a battlefield full of corpses like this. However, this was also a knight’s duty. to serve the empire. It is because he is a knight that he knows how to lay down his life for him. Isabella gritted her teeth and swung her sword at the approaching invader. Wheein! At that moment, weak mana nestled in Isabella’s sword. Chow! He thrust his sword into the heart of the oncoming invader, but he did not budge. Can that be called a human being, the same creature? “Calm down!” A mysterious man who cut into pieces the whole body of an invader that swelled up in an instant. Although disguised as the other soldiers, Isabella immediately recognized the man’s identity. “… Karbal?” Mercenary King Karbal! He taught her himself, but that was all, so why is he here? “Damn it. Isar bastard… I guess I’ll have to pay a high commission fee.” “… Did Brother Izar tell me to protect me?” Izar was a rising…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 143
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 143

Deus opened Vigo. A treasure trove that has existed since the beginning of the empire. An absolute report that never allowed an outside intrusion! Of all the treasures in the world, the place where only the most valuable things were collected was fully opened. Countless treasure-level famous swords. The golden bins here were overflowing with weapons that allowed rats to instantly raise their skills by several levels. However, if you were to choose the most outstanding among them, of course ‘Three Gods’ would be mentioned. Its existence is passed on only to the emperor. Deus knew too. How powerful is the ‘Winter Bow’, one of the Three Gods. ‘Now is the time to take out the Three Gods.’ An incomparable bow with five star swords! It has a curse that kills the person who shoots it, but its power is beyond imagination. It is a bow that is only permitted to be drawn when the Empire is threatened. And now was the time. “・・・・・No?” However, Deus, who entered the Golden High School, had no choice but to panic. There is nothing to hang on to. trinity. bow of winter. Not only. “In the world… who robbed the royal palace?” A considerable amount of treasure, including the Winter Bow, was missing. There is no sign that Vigo was forcibly entered. If so, it means that the door was opened normally. “…” After recovering her position as an imperial palace wizard, Yujin kept her mouth shut. I couldn’t say that the culprit was Reinhardt. ‘I thought he took the bow of winter.’ But even he didn’t know that he would brush it off like this. To take the bow of winter at all. This was something he shouldn’t have done even if he became emperor. However, Eugene and Reinhardt were one body. It was Reinhardt who helped him kill his enemy Balmung and restore his position. ‘There must be a reason. I’m not the kind of person who would take a treasure for no reason.’ He who is deep inside would not have taken it for no reason. There must have been something important enough to bring the bow of winter. “Huh…” However, the loss of Deus was indescribable. The imperial palace, which had never been robbed before, was robbed. Why did something like this happen for the first time in the history of the Empire? Moreover, he thought that now was…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 142
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 142

Pride directly checked the inside of the rift. inside the crack. He had his eyes on the fallen angels swarming like worms. Is that why? At least I agreed with the opinion that the curtain should be removed. It was necessary to quickly gather strength and cope with the situation. To do that, I had to shorten the Demon Temple. Gyoman opened his mouth. “Even if the emergency clause is invoked, the essential elements of the Demon Goddess cannot be ignored. At least it should be a process that everyone can understand.” Determining the deadly sins that will lead the Demon Realm is not just important for demon lords. It was for the sake of the entire demon tribe. It is impossible to arbitrarily determine the type of deadly sin without any progress. so. “The elements necessary to become a demon king are also the elements necessary to become a deadly sin. The most important battle between bloodlines, vassals, and demon kings must of course be included.” The idea was to cut out all the 77-day ceremonies and include only the three most important ones. But not everyone agreed with this arrogant opinion. avarice. He frowned as if he didn’t like it. “Let’s ignore the ritual of the priestess? You know that’s the most important thing, right?” For 77 days, the priestess enters the ceremony and becomes the other half of the true mortal sin. Among the demon lords, only those selected as deadly sins can eat half of it and become perfect. Let’s leave out the most important part of the ritual. I couldn’t understand. “If you looked inside the tent, you wouldn’t be able to say such complacency. If they invade Pandemonium first, the damage cannot be restored.” Pride is what has prevented the invasion of fallen angels for the longest time. So he was sure. If the fallen angels inside the veil attack the Demon Realm all at once, they will suffer irreparable damage. It means that the demon world will collapse. In order to prevent the fall of the Demon Realm, there was no choice but to attack first. If the ceremony is conducted for 77 days according to the rules, it only increases the possibility of being attacked. Eventually, Gyoman looked away. Then he looked at me and said. “I hate to admit it, but gluttony is right. They are constantly evolving. We are just…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 141
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 141

“The commonality of this incident is that the attack was carried out immediately after being attacked.” Fallen angels do not live outside the veil, but inside it. The reason they were attacking could also be explained simply. I spoke to the embarrassed and angry pride and to the other demon lords. “Those we call ‘fallen angels’ have only responded because they have been attacked. It’s not like a celestial invasion.” “So you mean you were in the tent from the beginning?” When Pride asked, I nodded lightly. “There is no other way to explain it.” “However, there has never been a case where fallen angels have unconditionally attacked Pandemonium just because a rift is opened.” “As they say, the veil periodically spits out cracks. However, for the ‘fallen angels’ inside the veil, this would be a natural phenomenon, not an act of attack. So I wouldn’t have been attacked. In other words, attacking at regular intervals is a chain reaction to the attack.” The Fallen Angels didn’t attack because of cracks. The nest was attacked and it was just a response. “attack? Are you saying someone is attacking the veil and inducing them to invade the Pandemonium?” “If the false god has been attacking every time it is born, isn’t it because a big change occurs in the veil when a fake god is born?” Twelve gave. The twelve gods did not exist from the beginning. One was added each time the final feat was executed and the annihilation of mankind progressed. And there was no other way to explain it other than that a meaningful change or a wavelength would occur in the veil when the main god was created. Gyoman, who interpreted my words, opened his mouth, crumpling his arrogance. “Doesn’t that mean that the veil was created not to protect the demon realm, but to contain it?” The tabernacle was with the birth of the demon realm. However, it is unknown who exactly created the veil. It has existed since the beginning of time, and has been thought of as a wall separating the demon world and the middle world. Of course, from the perspective of the demons, the tent is like a barrier that prevents the invasion of fake gods. Because there is a veil, they are not attacked by the celestial world or by the dragons. But what if it’s the other way around? What…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 140
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 140

crow lady. It is the name of the mace given to those who disbelieve. A great disaster occurred whenever the crow saint appeared. Its name was so tainted with fear that a kingdom could disappear overnight. But for hundreds of years the name had not been mentioned. This is because no enemy threatening the Holy Church has appeared for hundreds of years. She was the secret weapon and ultimatum of the Holy Church. ‘I thought he would bring out Epsilon to hunt the deadly sins.’ A woman with black hair in an iron cage. Wearing an eyepatch and bound with chains, she was Epsilon, the crow saint. An ominous look settled in Cardinal Bahamul’s eyes as he looked at her. ‘An ominous weapon. But for the Holy Church. for our giving. That should be used.’ Cardinal Bahamul was instructed to move Epsilon by the pope’s instructions. Epsilon itself is a huge mass of curses. It is the worst weapon that does not go well with the Holy Church. The pope himself took out Epsilon, which had not been taken out for the past 300 years. To hunt deadly sins. To attack the empire that hid that deadly sin. ‘The Empire worships the Demon Church. Dare, dare!’ The news that Cardinal Amir and Saint Jasmine were imprisoned in imperial chains was shocking. The Pope judged that the Emperor was brainwashed by the Demon Church, secretly brought out Epsilon and ordered Cardinal Bahamuul to attack the Empire. This is absurd in terms of international diplomacy, but the opponent was the Devil’s Church. In order to hunt those who violated common sense and justice, they too had to borrow evil for a while. Besides, it’s not just epsilon. There were many saints who were said to be the strongest. Is that all? Cardinal Bahamuul looked up at the sky. ‘dragon.’ There was a dragon behind the Holy Church. Even he, a cardinal, had only heard rumors, but it was the first time he had seen the truth. Before long, a huge castle wall came into view. Arya Youngji. A heavenly fortress located on the way to the capital of the empire. It’s the fastest way to get to the capital, but it’s an invincible armor that’s said to have never been captured! However, no matter how undefeated the fortress was, it would not be able to withstand this much power. “Attack! It is…

Nanomachine Emperor chapter 139
Nanomachine Emperor chapter 139

“I will judge.” Hearing the voice of the Supreme Court Justice, Archduke Carlos raised his head. The place where he now stood was the strict judge of the empire. People from the imperial family, including the emperor, and nobles from the grand duchy gathered together to watch the trial. ‘Raunel…!’ Archduke Carlos, who would normally have been relaxed, glared at Launel with lights in his eyes. Prince Launel. He found conclusive evidence in the north that would tie him together. Lich Damon’s Tower. There, the grand duchess discovered numerous corpses that had been dedicated to ‘gongyang’. If only the corpse had been found, he would not have thought of tying Archduke Carlos together. The biggest problem was the mana training method. Mana performance by human sacrifice. The biggest problem was that it was the same as the mana training method that the knights of the grand duchy learned. The reason why there were so many sword masters among the knights of the grand duchy was precisely because of the seniority method. However, Launel found the tower hidden in secret and intertwined it with himself. But that alone isn’t enough. It’s okay if you say no. ‘I turned my back. nobles. the knights. vassals.’ The connection with the grand duke’s mana practice method was because the people involved betrayed him. The whistleblower had no choice but to come out as the evidence was intruded and intimidated. I can’t believe that Prince Raunel, who is supposed to be innocent again, would do such a thing. He never dreamed that major knights and retainers would succumb to such a threat. Is it because Launel successfully completed the peace treaty in the north? ‘no.’ Of course, it’s not without impact, but it’s not decisive. The decisive figure was different. ‘Reinhardt…’ Reinhardt. It must have been because he was afraid of his changes and movements. His ability to instantly deal with the corrupt nobles, led by the Dragon Knights, was also excellent. No seasoned politician can move so quickly with this level of determination. unless you know everything in advance. Launel’s change was also brought about by Reinhardt. Launel is now moderately honest and knows how to threaten others while holding on to their weaknesses. ‘But you won’t be able to execute me.’ Six out of ten judges are already grand dukes. Even if the Supreme Court judges made a decision, the judges’ will could…