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142 Consecutive Mara 5

“Upupu, aren’t you going into the forest?”

Mara and Aries stood at the entrance of the forest while they watched Makai TV eating sweets.

After drawing the magic circle, I wonder if the ceremony will start, or I just sit there and don’t move.

“Only two people? And they never move from the entrance.”

Looking boring, I switched channels and found the other members rampaging in front of the main gate guarded by the army on the other side.

Urakal and the others flickered the flames, and the reinforcement adventurers cut down the stray trees little by little.

At this rate, it won’t be too late for the closed path to be completely opened.

“Uuuuu, you can’t. We’ve gone to great lengths to keep people from escaping. They’re going to escape.”

“The lack of food in the city is a big problem.”

Luckily, Fool’s interest completely diverted from Mara.


“Aries looks uneasy after being drawn the shortfall.” why am i here

“Today is Ms. Mara. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m sorry, because I talked about Ex’s crush.”

Certainly, someone like a fairy tale who extends a 10-minute buff for a month. It really existed.

While the conversation stopped, I helped draw the magic circle at the entrance of the forest, and finally it was completed.

“Mr. Mara. It’s just the two of us. I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t want to die yet.”

“Don’t worry, Aries. Just one shot today. With any luck, it’ll all be over.”

“What are you talking about?”


“In a play, the theory is to use the big moves at the end to liven up the story, but isn’t that inefficient?”

“Efficient kitchen women seem to aim for the fastest attack.”

“But what are you going to do?”

“Do you know fireworks?”

“Aries to cheer up the disturbing Mara.”

“Have you heard?”

“Bundling countless explosive spheres into one and launching huge fireworks. Ritual magic, Hasshakudama”

Aries was annoyed when Mara voluntarily sprinkled expensive-looking catalyst powder from the laughter bottle and lit a candle.

“This type takes time.”

“Two hours later.”

“Um. Mr. Mara? Mr. Mara. Mr. Mara, let’s go home.”


However, he received no reply while still in a meditative state. Aries, who was frightened by the Demon King’s attack and had worn out her spirit, saw the magic circle begin to shine and her face brightened.

“Mr. Mara. Could it be?”

“Time is full”

Finally, Mara opened her eyes and stood up.

“Good! What am I doing?”

“You just have to look at me. Just watch me without fainting.”

“Mara’s continuous attack!”

Show your true potential.

“I’ll push you!”

“Yes. Awakening”

“Well, where does efficiency come from? Look at Ex and my joint work, the maximum attack of super beginner magic.”

A bomb of depth charges was born.

“Medium-level attack magic that can be the decisive factor in the fight against mages, although it’s not the main one.”

“Pouppo ooppo ooppo oops.”

They were fired one after another, staying in the sky and gathering while retaining their power.


Aries turned pale next to Mara who continued to knead her magic.

“I’ve never seen so many.”

“It’s already dangerous.”

“What would you do if it exploded?”

“Ma, Mr. Mara?”

“Are you in the zone?”

The inexhaustible energy makes it possible for a single person to cover the ritual magic that gathers a large number of believers.

The speed increased further, and the depth charge balls were collected in the air.


“Well, that’s enough, Mara-san.”

“I cling to you with teary eyes.”

Mara’s hair stands on end due to static electricity.

“The same goes for Aries.”

The excessively high energy turned into plasma and the atmosphere cried out.

 Bububububububu, crackle crackle,

“I-I don’t want to die.”

Aries clings to Mara’s feet.

“I want to faint.”

However, the Awakening I started earlier won’t allow it.

“Super Elementary Annihilation Magic, Hasshakudama”

“Thousands of thunder.”

“My vision turns white.”

“There’s a whoosh sound.”

In a world where the color has disappeared, all the Lost Trees in front of you crumble at the same time. A roaring sound resounding in the back of the body like a slightly delayed punch. And then, pillars of fire rise up everywhere.

60%, including Fool’s base, disappeared.

“What was once a lost tree has become a torch, no, something close to a beacon.”

“Did you see it?”


“The colors have returned.”

The flickering, burning trees hurt my eyes.

I can’t hear anything as my ears are keen.

“The forest is a scorched earth.”


“Wow, please don’t kill Mara!”

“Does your flaming red hair look like Demon King Mara?”



“A mage is a natural disaster.”

“I hope this kills you.”

A trump card blow because it used a precious catalyst.

“Did you do it? Mara-san”

Aries muttered.

Volume 1 of the manga is on sale, 1/12!

Thank you (´;ω;`)

I never dreamed that my novel would become a manga. It’s all thanks to you who are reading this.

The cute world drawn by Meishi Murakami was the best. looking forward to.

I’m doing a royalty return festival on Twitter, so if you like it, I’ll be happy if you quote the purchase photo and RT it (deadline 1/15)

Illustration (By Mimin)


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