Archive for Multiverse

Last Wish System Bahasa Indonesia
Last Wish System Bahasa Indonesia
200> Chapter

In a universe where the great experts can reincarnate, Yale Roanmad reincarnated with almost no memories of his past life and didn’t know who he was. Despite the problem with his memories, Yale had obtained a strange legacy from his own past life the Last Wish System. Yale, who remembered the pain of dying, decided to turn strong to avoid suffering the same pain again. Moreover, he also decided to investigate his own past life to remember who he was. However, he didn’t know that a Mysterious Expert, who knew a lot about him and his past life, was looking at him from the shadows.______________________________________________Join the Last Wish System Discord Channel: There is a channel to report errors there, I might not see your reports if you put it in the comment section because I am not getting notified when people comment. This novel has been completed. I will still go back to edit old chapters whenever I have time. The prequel will be released soon! You can also support the novel on Patreon: by donating in Paypal: There is a Wikia under construction. If you want to help, you are welcome: Some 3D characters based on the novel characters, be aware of spoilers if you aren’t up-to-date: Show More

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer Bahasa Indonesia
MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer Bahasa Indonesia
200> Chapter

[Creating Pumpkinmancer Class: Confirm?] Pro VR Gamer Jack O’Neil died as tragically as he lived: betrayed, then eaten by ducks! Luckily, fate gave him a second chance when he found himself coming back to the past. Watch as he makes his return as a Ranker, even stronger than before! This time he aims to become number one and clear all regrets from his previous life. He will right all wrongs and wrong all rights! — Eh…what?! To all the Players and NPCs of the gaming world of ‘INFINITE’: F … ⎧ᴿᴵᴾ⎫ *** Welcome to Rise of The PP: Pumpkins & Chaos It’s huge! That’s what she said as she saw the massive…undead army! This is a tale of a beautiful friendship between a kind young man and his many peculiar undead summons. So what if a few in-game realms end up being destroyed? *Shrug* *** — Attention may Contain — – Amazing PP (Peerless Pumpkinmancer)– Badass MC (Shows people his PP Class)– Awesome Gaming world (INFINITE!!!)– Bullied NPCs (PP hard to handle)– NPC Waifus (2D becoming 3D!)– Magic (PP Magic is best magic)– Multiverse (PP across worlds!)– 100% sane friends (Officially)– Guild Wars (PP VS guilds!)– Scorned beauties (No BS!)– Taming (Cool travel pets!)– Secrets (PP finding stuff!)– Pumpkins (Spooky!)– R18 tag (?!?)– Much more! Show More